Chapter 20 - The Radio Show

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I feel VERY ill!! That's why this chapter is VERY short. SOZ. So what's more healthier than staring at a bright screen for two more hours, whilst procrastinating on sleep?

On with da story...

Dan's POV

When we got to the Radio 1 studio, me and Phil quickly rushed to our places.

Being our natural clumsy selves, we raced in with only two minutes to spare. Jamilla just wanted us for a few minutes to announce the top ten albums. Then, we would have about half an hour to spare.

After Phil and i announced to top ten albums, Jamila said goodbye to us and then got back to her show.

I turned to Phil, grinning widely.

"What?" He says, smiling slightly back at me.

"It's amazing how you can say all the numbers and stuff,"

"You could too if you bothered to learn them,"

"I'm too lazy!"


Me and Phil were being our usual selves during the live show. Him choosing his 'rehab topic' and us arguing about it. Fan wars was coming up, and our favourite Muse song was playing when Phil turned towards me.

The camera was on us, and lots of people were watching us live on the website, so we couldn't really do anything lovey-dovey. Although. i'm sure that if we did, our 'phan' shippers would support us 100%.

He came closer to me, lifting my headphones, stopping my swaying hips.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Um...about before...." He whispers gently into my ear.

"Yeah? Oh yeah, you were acting kind of...weird,"

"Oh was i? Sorry!"

"So what is it?"

"I uh..i umm..." Phil says, suddenly getting very shy, his face flushing with a dark shade of red.

"You might wanna hurry up Phil, cause this song is about to end!"

"Oh yeah sorry! I mean to reply to what you said earlier! I was kinda thinking about it all day and...i love you too," Phil says, getting quieter as the song ends, looking down as he says it.

I quickly step forward towards the microphone, putting my headphones back on and say "Okaay so that was Uprising by Muse. Thanks alot to Emma who requested that wonderful song,"

"Yeah, it's a brilliant song!" Phil who had now gotten his headphones back on said into the microphone, smiling at me

I swear down, i was so tempted to tackle that boy right there and then into a hug! But it is going to have to wait after the show. Or atleast when a music video is shown and the live camera is taken off of us.

That's seriously what he's been fumbling all day to try to say to me!


Alot of Dan's POV recentely. Soz, i'll probz have Phil's POV next chapter.

I have a MASSIVE headache so i'm gonna stop writing and attempt to sleep. Attempt...aka procrastinate some more. I have school tomorrow, but its Friday, so YOLO? I think.

Well, seeya next time...

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