Chapter 24 - Phil is the older one!

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Hopefully a nice long chapter for you, so get a packet of crisp and read...eww that sounds educational...ewww :3 ...I might just get bored and not upload that much...we'll see...

1.14K Reads?! 119 Votes?!
OMG OMG OMG...THX!! I guess...

On with da story...

Dan's POV

I spent the whole day taking care of Phil. Making him lunch, dinner, stuff like that. Today, he said he felt refreshed and 'ready for the day', whatever the hell that means. But atleast he's not ill, now finally i can go back to that little 'game' of mine.

It's so fun to tease somebody that you like knowing that they like you back, because their expressions are the best! Blushing outrageously!

In the morning, i was being a real gentlemen, and then i started doing things like sneaking up behind him and whispering stuff into his ear.

Phil's POV

He's doing it again! He's....teasing me!! Well, acting....what's the word? Older?

Well...yeah! He's acting as if he's top. Dan...being top. Oh 2012

was such a funny year. The year where everybody thought that Dan was top and I was bottom! Me! Bottom!

I guess i could always play that game too...

Dan was making lunch in the kitchen, standing infront of a hot stove mixing up a stir fry. The cliché bf and gf in kitchen gag always works. And nothing gets Dan more worked up than cliché cheesy stuff!

I slyly walk into the kitchen, walking over to Dan and gently placing my hands on his hips from behind him, resting my head on his right shoulder.

"Whatcha cookin' beautiful?" I ask softly into his ear.

"Food," He replies blunty.

"You don't say!" I reply sarcastically.

"I do!" Says the King of Sarcasm.

"Is it any good?"

"Dunno, i'm still cooking it Phil," He answers cooly, taking no notice of me attempting to flirt.

Quickly taking the wooden spoon out of his hand, i pick up a small piece of chicken with it off of the pan. I turn to fully face him, bringing it up to his mouth.

He eats the piece before muttering a 'pretty good!'

"Lemme taste," I quickly say, leaning in for a kiss as our kiss moves in sync. Our tongues meet through the now heated kiss, giving off a taste of the tomato sauce and...Malteasers....Oh Dan...Of course.

Grabbing the back of his head, i i twirl his lock around my finger, running my hand through it, tugging at some parts earning a small moan from Dan.

Wait...i was teasing him! Not giving him what he wants!

I quickly all of a sudden, stopping to stare at his beautiful hot red and flustered face. I guess he was enjoyig the kiss.

"Phil, wha-"

"I need to go Christmas shopping!!" I yelp excitedely as he just moans.

I unlock myself from his arms that were around my waist, walking back into my room, feeling his eyes on my the entire time.

Ok....not very long. Soz.

WTF I just read it over and why do i keep on using.... ......  ....????

I'll update before Christmas obviously with A Christmas Special!! YaaaaY. And you know what Christmas has...missletoe. The next chapter may have quite a bit of KicktheSticksz, so look forward to that! :)

Seeya in the next chapter...

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