Chapter 12 - *Cringe*

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My internet has returned! YAAY. And i've realised that there are other things you can do besides going on YouTube. I went to Tescos! But it was really cold, so i went back home.

I got Lion cereal! And the award for the shortest attension span goes to mee. I would like to thank my-Ooh! Something shiny!...

Now on with the story(Before i get distracted again :3 )...

Dan's POV

Phil was on the phone with his mum. They were talking about all the pain meds Martin needed.

This med every 4 hours bla bla bla.

We were both on the train, it went staight to Phil's family's neighbourhood. Well to their nearest station anyway.

When Phil finally hung up, he turned to me.

"Um...Dan, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to. I don't wanna force you or anything!" He says, barely even audible, whilst playing with his sleeve.

"Oh, no! I want to come! You're not forrcing me or anything. I just thought that it would be nice to come along!" I immediantly respond, shaking my head vigerously.

"Oh, well thanks then!" He says, smiling up at me.

The journey had half an hour, until we reached around his parents house. Nobody was in our carriage, which just made me feel much more comfortable. It was just me and Phil.

After a few minutes had passed, i heard Phil yawn, stretching his arms up.

"You know i didn't get much sleep thanks to you," He mumbles.

"Sorry," I say, turning red as i remember last night with Phil and our little make-out session.

"Haha, don't worry Dan. It was worth it anyway!" Phil laughs, giving me a small but affective wink.

He leans back now more relaxed, closing his eyes once he had taken his headphones out of his ears.

I lifted my hands and turn to my right, gently placing my hand onto Phil's right shoulder.

He looks up at me and smiles. That side smile. The one that he does so simply, but leaves me in a hot mess.

I move his body towards me as he snuggles into my shoulder, looking up at me, with those georgous eyes of his that could make anyone melt. Whether it be in lustful way or in a cute and innocent way, those eyes would win over literally anybody.

And it had won over me. But not just his eyes, but his smile, his hair, his clothes, his innocence, and his laugh. Damn, his laugh was contagious, especially with that peekaboo tongue of his that always eacaped his mouth, even when he hated it himself, i loved it. I love him.

I cringe at my cheesiness and turn to my right, seeing that Phil is already asleep, with his arm wrapped around mine and his head buried in my shoulders.

Yep, i love him, no matter how cliché and corny that sounds *cringe*

Soz it was short, but i'll have a longer chapter tomorrow! I promise! Unless The Woman in Black comes and takes me away in my sleep or something (Thx alot phanallamallama i guess i'll be having nightmares :( lol jk)

So yeah, i feel like i'm getting worse and worse at this author's note thingy. ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ..
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Soz i got bored and started playing with the full stops :P

Well.... BYYYEEEeee...

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