Chapter 5 - "Im older than him!"

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Hey guys, im back. I'm not really sure how often i should update, like i don't mind to be honest. Leave some comments letting me know. Okay, enough of me, back to the story :) ...

Dan's POV

I left Chris and Pj to handle all the wires and walked back into the kitchen. Where Phil was.

Phil's POV

I was handling the snacks when Dan strides in, pretending to be a showgirl.

"Da da da da daaa," Dan sings.

"Enough of your weird hobby Dan, help me find the packet of Malteasers,"I say trying not to sound too mean.

"I didn't know we had any!"

"Daaan did you seriously eat them all? I bought like 5 packs for goodness sake!"

"Hey, it's your fault for buying so many. Besides, i only ate like 2 packets,"

"Oh yeah!" I say, remembering where i had put them. I opened the cupboard where we kept all our mugs and searches around with my hand, until eventually feeling a plastic bag.

"Really Phil! Why would you hide Malteasers from me?" Dan wined.

"Cause i knew you would eat them all!"

"Yeah, but still...'

I grab some crisp and begin to shake it into a bowl.

Dan's POV

Even when he hides Malteasers from me, i can't get mad at him. How could you? With that innocent smile that he does so well, he's like a small puppy.

I walk over to him as his back is turned, still pouring some more crisp into the bowl.

I place my hands onto his hips and whisper into his right ear, making sure my breath tingles his ear as i breathe heavily.

Phil's POV

Dan places his hand onto my hips and breathes heavily. His mouth about a millemeter away, i feel his hot breath as he speaks, making me more nervous and red.

"So, i guess we should finish our little make out session later?"

His seductive breath sends a tingling sensation down my spine, hanging onto every word, making my heart flutter.

I continue to look down, not wanting him to show my flushed face.

Dan's POV

I think he liked that. He seems to be turning red, but i can't really tell. He's not even looking at me.

I grab his chin and turn his face towards me. He has his eyes closed, and isn't opening them.

"Phil, can i see your eyes please, they're awsome. Plus, they look nicer when they are open!"

He slowly opens his eyes, staring straight past me and onto the table behind us. But he looks flushed.      And cute

Phil's POV

I hate Dan sometimes. Always trying to the bigger man, making me flustered, cheeks going red! I'm older than him! I should be making him stutter over his words, make him nervous, not the other way round.

I lock my eyes with him finally, trying to look as seductive as possible, but it dosen't seem to work.

"BWAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL PHIL? YOU LOOK CONSTIPATED!" Dan says accidentally spitting in my face.

"Shaddup Dan!" I pout. "I'm just trying to act older here!"

"No, i mean looked hot, it was just kinda suprising, you know what i mean. Besides, you look better when your cute!" Dan replies, stroking my face with the end of his fingertips.

Making go red again. Ugh! I slap away his hand and grab his chin bringing his face close to mine. I cup his butt with my left hand, while i keep his face in postition with my right.

I push my lips onto his, and start to kiss him passionately, this time, me taking the lead. My mouth opens as his do, allowing me to explore his mouth. I hear him moan, bringing me back to reality, as i pull away from his face. I look at his face, a dark shade of red on his cheeks and his eyes still closed.

He slowly slides his eyes open, before looking at me.

"BLOODY HELL PHIL!" He exclaimed, breathing heavily.

"Sorry..." I say, looking at my hands.

"Oh! No, i didn't mean it like that, i mean that was fricken brilliant, i'm just...damn.." Hey says, trailing off.

I continue to look down, but then raise my head, looking at him slowly. I then notice a small buldge inbetween his skinny jeans. A small smile spreads across my face.

"Dan, you...hard?"

"Well it's bloody your fault Phil!" He protests."That sudden burst sexiness, anyone would go hard Phil!"

Dan's POV

Phil starts giggling, then leans in and pecks me on my cheek.

"We will take care of that later," He says, seeing a look of lust in his eyes for a split second, before turning back into a cheeky grin.

Phil grabs the snacks in his right hand and my hand in his left, as he drags me back to the living room, where Pj and Chris were sat close to eachother, clearly flirting.

I commented on then getting a room, as they shyly break apart. I had now let go of Phil's hands, and we look at eachother smiling at how cute they were.

Hope you liked it! Comment if you have any ideas for the story, or what you think of it so far! :)



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