Chapter 29 - Double Dates

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Hi there!! Soooo i'm back from my little break! I went to a place called writers block where I just watched Youtube vids and ate crisp while procrastinatin on life and school.

So you know how you I keep on promising to make longer chapters, well THIS is a looong chapter so grab some crisp or if your on a diet....some cucumber...and enjoy! (finally dude I thought you were meant to be a genius or somefin)

Did you know I always forget how to spell Genius even though thats my username...*facepalm

Ok....I'm getting sidetracked....Soz.

P.S this WILL have a tiny bit of Sherlock spoilers on the latest episode so don't read if you haven't seen it yet unless you don't watch Sherlock.

On with da chapter...

Phil's POV

"Phil?" Dan moaned out from under my grasp as we sat on the sofa tangled in eachothers arms and legs.


"What was that fun day you had planned for us, after watching this movie together? It's 4pm already!"

"Pj and Chris are coming over!! And then we're going to go to a fancy resturant that me and Peej booked reservarions for!  Sounds fun right!!"

I exclaimed, gently stroking the brunettes hair as he rest his head on my chest.

"That sounds fantastic babe. What time are they coming?"

"Well, we're all gonna watch Sherlock together since Chris hasn't seen the latest episode. Then they're gonna get changed here and Peej is gonna drive us to the resturant," I squealed, already excited, "They said at around half past 4,"

"Phil, don't you think we should get up and clean the house a bit?" He asked, slowly untangling himself from me.

"Sure, lets clean you're room first though, since we hardly use my room anymore, it's probably pretty clean I think," I explained getting off of the sofa and stretching .



"Oh shit they're here already?!" Dan gasped, stuffing all of his clothes off the floor and into his wardrobe.

"I told you to clean earlier!" I moaned.

"Yeah, but theres cleaning, but then theres Tumblr..."

"Daniel James Howell you are the laziest person I know and if i weren't so madly in love with you, I would leace you this second!!"

"Aww love you too babe, I'll answer the door for you," Dan said, getting out his phone and a few seconds later we heard the front door open with Chris and Pj.

"Dan, how does Phil even live with you, you are so lazy you can't even open the door and you have to text up that it's open? Bloody hell Dan," Chris shouted from downstairs.

We both made our way downstairs to be met with two people holding hands carrying a bag in the other.

As soon as Dan and I saw that they were holding hands, we gave eachother knowing smirks, as we began to help then with their bags.

"Awww!" I cooed, pointing to their intertwined hands.

Pj looked down as if he was just noticing for the very first time, and shyly retracted his hands from Chris'.

"Phil, you never told me this was a double date," Dan teased slinging his arm around my waist.

"I never knew!" I exclaimed, laughing at their red faces and how they were both avoiding eachothers gaze our of shyness and embarassment.

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