Chapter 1 A hero will rise

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Ragna regained concussion and looked around and found white all over but then he found a person walking to him.

???: Hey Ragna you're awake

Ragna: Who are you? Why do you look like me?

The figure did looked like him excepted it he had long Red and green hair with pure Green Emerald eyes. While Ragna's hair is long dark brown and had black coming down to an end of his hair of his hair while his eyes are also purple.

???: Clam down Ragna. 1. Im dark you but i liked to be called Zorrak

Ragna: (thoughts) what the hell

Zorrak: i know right. Anyway you're in your mind but your body is in Remnant.

Ragna: Wait WHAT! Im in fucking RWBY!

Zorrak: Yea pretty much.

Ragna was surprised cause he is not in Earth or in his world he is now in RWBY

Zorrak: it's time to create you.

Ragna:*confused* create me?

Zorrak:*sigh* your body isn't exactly in Remnant, it's more like- you create your character in a RPG game right know it's complicated to explain. So create your clothing and your weapon(s)

After some time he finished and asked

Ragna: What know?

Zorrak: since your done you can go, ill help you if you need some but only because i don't want you to die it'll be me who does kill you

Ragna:can't wait.

It all faded to black. Ragna opened his eyes and found himself in the Forest of Forever Fall. With his new clothing and weapons. He wears a black t-shirt with a black trench coat , black pants and combat boots. Around his neck is a very small black cloak,( small enough to hide underneath his coat ), with a hood, every time he puts on the hood it extends into a full cloak, able to conceal his entire body except his boots and a skull ring he has on his right thumb.

Ragna: I wonder

Zorrak: yes you fucking idiot you can talk to me in your mind and yes were in the time Cardin gets attacked by that ursa.

Ragna: where?

Zorrak: 1200ft south move fast

Ragna was moving fast and thanks to the parkour he does he was right on time where Jaune blocks the attack

Ragna puts on the hood and moved

Ragna pulled out a black one edged sword it has a button that is hard to see on the bottom of the hilt and slashes at the Ursa then blocked a strike to back up where Jaune is.

Jaune was confused on who he was

Ragna: Hey blonde ill distract it you come in and attack then finish him.

Jaune: Got it.

Ragna lunged towards the creature and lands a hit and then slashed at its chest but not very deep thought. He got pushed back while his feet are sliding on the ground.

Ragna: NOW

Jaune slash at the bear then gets launched back. He plans to strike the ursa but i knew a certain someone would help so he just stood and smirked

After he decapitated the bear Ragna started to walk away until he felt something grabbed his cloak. He turn to see Ruby holding it

Ruby: Who are you?

Ragna pulls down his hood and shrinks back into his small scarf and replied

Ragna: My names is Ragna Azure. What's yours?

Pulling out his hand for a handshake. Ruby grabbed his hand and shook it.

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

Ragna: That's a beautiful name you got there.

Ruby:*while blushing* Thanks. Hey you should join come and join beacon.

Ragna: I don't think-

Ruby: come on. You have great skills, and they might accept you.

Ragna:*sighs* no way out of this. All right.

While Ruby was smiling, Ragna joined up with Ruby Weiss ,Jaune and Pyrrha and walked to where Goodwitch is

Goodwitch: What happen? And who is man?

Before anyone replied Ragna said

Ragna: Well blonde over there was fighting a big ursa i saw the whole thing while i was wondering around i helped him but he mainly took it down. And to answer who i am Ragna D. Azure.

Goodwitch: *surprised* well then good job Mister Arc and you will come with me.

Ragna turned to see Ruby worried for some reason. Ragna pats her head

Ragna:*with a smile* don't worry ok

Ruby nods


Ragna is now in a room with a single bulb lighting the room

Goodwitch: I hope to see what you did was reckless.

Ragna: seeing a guy getting attack by a freaking bear and do nothing, that is fucking reckless.

Goodwitch*with an angry face* watch your mouth. Anyway, to support Mister Arc during a fight you did well Mr Azure was it

Ragna: I perfer my first name than my last.

???: Ragna D. Azure

The voice came from no other

Ragna: Professor Ozzpin what a pleasure to meet you.

Ozzpin: Now Ragna i would like to ask what were doing in the the forrest

Ragna: I was wondering around until i heard something and ran fast

Ozzpin: Interesting you heard the thing from 1200ft which is kinda impressive. Now i would want you to be in my school with the skills you have no problem to join.

Ragna and Goodwitch : What!!

Goodwitch: sir im pretty sure letting him enter the school without a proper test would be a violation against school rules

Ragna: You must be crazy but if you serious ill join.

Ozzpin: very good then ill assign you to your team of five.


Ragna:*looks at paper* let's see Team RWBY teammates Ruby Rose- uh i guess ill see Rubbes then

Ragna saw their dorm and knocked to hear Ruby

Ruby :* muffled * i got it *opens door*
Hel- hey Ragna

Ragna: hey Ruby i guess im on your team then.

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