Chapter 14 Reunion

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Julian's POV

It was the next day after JNPR's fight and I was walking down to my dorm to try and sleep cause this 'sting' is getting on my damn nerves. I got to my dorm and reached for my scroll but i didn't have it on me. I pulled out a small tablet to unlock the door. I'm good with technical things so i can hack. I got the door to open but i didn't expect Blake to be there. She's just staring at me while her cat ears are shown.

Julian: uhh... What are you doing?

Blake: i was just returning a book from Viliana and i want to let them loose so...

Julian: oh. Okay then well i want to go to sleep but this keeps on bugging me.

Blake: what is?

Julian: We learned something about us demons, so right now Ragna is actually doing a very dangerous training session. The problem is that who is connected to him in a way they'll start to feel a sting all over their body that's why I'm trying to go to sleep.

Blake: how did you even know about this?

Julian: a full fledged demon was here but he's not a threat. Actually a messenger.

I heard a scroll ring and Blake pulled out hers.

Blake: Hello? What's wrong? *sigh* Fine I'm on my way.

Julian: what's wrong?

Blake: i think Ruby is feeling that Sting you were talking about.

Julian: oh shit let's go.

We ran to where Ruby and her team was at. I kneel down to where she was and placed a hand over her forehead.

Julian: what the hell?

Yang: what's wrong?

Julian: it's nothing probably my imagination but let me try something.

Ruby: ugh this hurts really bad!

I pulled up Ruby's blouse to where i can only see her abdomen. I placed my hand over it to try and bond our auras together. It worked but I'm taking all of the pain.

Ruby: it stopped.

Julian:*in pain* that's because I'm taking all of it.

Then after saying that it stopped but i couldn't sense Ragna. To make it worse we can't use our powers to do anything or than bonding. I undid the bonding and i had a scared face.

Julian: shit.

Weiss: what is it?

Julian: it's Ragna i can't sense his aura. We need to move he could end up dead!

Everyone had a worried face like i did. I ran to where the amphitheater is at and i found Ragna on the floor knocked out. I ran to him and body he body to lay down on his back. I check for a pulse and he's breathing but barely though.

Ruby: Ragna! Is he ok?

Julian: he's breathing barely though. It seems like he's done.

Ruby: what was he doing?!

I explained the whole thing and Ruby understood. Now I'm carrying my leader to his dorm.

Ragna: ugh... Ruby... Don't go... I...

Julian: dreaming about losing Ruby huh Ragna?

Then i heard a gasp and saw Ragna was awake.

Ragna: what the hell?

Julian: you ok?

Ragna: yea yea I'm fine i need music.

Julian:*sigh* you always listen to that song.

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