Chapter 10 Dances and Work lemon part 2

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This is part 2 of lemons that happen between Ruby and Ragna so keep that in mind anyway lets start reading.

Ruby's POV

Me and Ragna got to the entrance and we see Yang there with a white dress.

Yang: oh my god you look so beautiful!

Ruby: can we seriously have a talk of how Weiss fights in these.

Ragna: worry about that later. If you fall I'll carry you.

I tried to walk to Yang and end up falling but Ragna caught me and pulled me up back.

Ragna: come on lets go. Plus Blake is coming right?

Yang: she will. Wait how did you-

Ragna: remember different world, can predict things in this world.

Ragna lead me in just so then i don't fall. We were looking around the dance and admiring how it looks. Then we spotted Blake finishing dancing with Yang then switched over to Sun.

Yang: told you she would come.

Weiss: mission accomplish.

Ruby: what do we do now?

Ragna: simple enjoy the rest of the dance. Plus i am going to sing and play later so expect for that to happen. Also im expecting a bunch of idiots behind me.

A fist came at Ragna but caught it and i saw Bero was trying to punch Ragna.

Ragna: when will you ever learn that you can't easily beat me 'Son of Death'

Bero: I will beat you at one point 'Grim Reaper'. But let go!

He did let go of Bero's fist then he turn to see his group.

Ragna: well Team Rouge is here.

Ruby: Team Rouge?

Viliana: that was the name of our old squad when we were in the war.

Ragna: that's how i met Bero and Viliana. Julian though i met him when were still in training before we took part of the war. Plus i was the leader.

Julian: and you're still our leader no matter what.

Ragna: right.

I looked over at Yang but she wasn't there and I turned to Weiss but she also wasn't there. I looked at Ragna and he offered his hand.

Ragna: you want to dance?

Ruby: yea but i don't know though.

Ragna: I'll lead and you follow. Come on.

I took his hand he lead me to the dance floor and we stopped. He put right hand in my left.  He put my right hand on his left shoulder and he put his left hand on my waist.

Ragna: ok. Follow my lead and repeat the pattern.

We moved slowly and i was getting the hang of it until i stepped on Ragna's foot.

Ragna: *grunts in pain*

Ruby: sorry.

Ragna: it's ok i was like this when i first did this.

We dance for some time and we sat down.

Ragna's POV

Im really glad that we can be able to spend time like this. I looked around and i see Bero and Viliana dancing together, then i see Julian dancing with Yang. I smiled at them and hear Ruby whining a bit.

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