Chapter 3 The burden of my past

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Get ready as Ragna's past will be present in this chapter and to see someone that Ragna knows. With that ill see you later.

No one's POV

After Ragna got out he was hyper and i literally mean hyper he ran fast, did actions fast, and after that he died down.

In two days ( because he was out next week) he had classes same as RWBY's class. He was on Ruby's bed just listening to some music while remembering something. Team RWBY came in and Ruby with a happy face jumped on Ragna and hugged him.

Ruby: Ragna your finally back!!

Ragna:*blushes* yea feels go to be back but get your chest of my face.

Ruby realized and got off blushing.

Ruby:sorry .

Ragna:it's fine.

Yang: Ragna don't act like you didn't like it.

Ragna:* blushes with anger* Shut it!

Blake: ok that enough Yang.

Yang: aw come on a little teasing doesn't hurt anyone

Blake: yea but still it does make people uncomfortable

Ragna planed to sneak out while they were talking but then got caught by Ruby and Weiss. He panicked and jump through the window and sprinted to the forest.

Ragna's POV

I need to be alone because i didn't want the others to worry about me but then Ruby and Weiss caught me. I could of went to the library or to Ozzpin to calmed down but i went straight to the the Emerald forest i went up a hill with a tree so i sat down. After some time I heard footsteps to see Blake.

Ragna: why did you follow me?

Blake:*worried* you ran out for no reason and Ruby told us to find you so, why?

Ragna: Today was the death of someone that is very very close to me and it haunts me. Sit down it going to be a long explanation.

After she did she was all ears.

Ragna: the person that died was my first friend, best friend, but also my girlfriend. She and i gone through hell while we lived, at some point we just wished that we died. But ill start from when i was born.


A/n this was back at Earth and it gets really dark so if don't want to read it then ill let you when it ends

A baby was crying after being born.
The mother grabbed her child to see him.

Ragna's mom:Alex look he looks like you.

Alex: he does after all its my son, Kimberly.

Kimberly: what should we name him.

Alex: i was thinking Ragna would be a good name for him.

Kimberly: Ragna i like it.

Gunshots were heard and got closer for a person to open the door and shooting and killing Ragna's parents.

???:Ragna uh, you are mine, now you will suffer with me.

With that the man walked away leaving the dead bodies there lifelessly.

After I became 3 they started to treat me like a slave pushing me around, forcing me to do stuff, torturing me to their satisfactory. I want to escape or at least die to end the suffering. Then i met a girl named Rose she i was on the same boat so we wanted to escape we did but barely though with the injuries, lack of food and water, but also sickness. We were tired but we had to keep on going but then we came across a town.

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