Chrismas Special!!

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A/n i wanted to make this and I'm gonna say it have i hope you have a good Christmas and also enjoy it! I love this holiday cause of the fact it brings in everyone you care about and you open up presents that you have and you'll make good memories on that Christmas.

So enjoy it and happy holidays alongside with happy New Years!

It was the first day of December and Ragna woke up and jumped down from Ruby's bed and screamed.

Ragna: The first day of December!!!!

Team RWBY woke up as they were tired. Ruby sat up and yawned as she asked Ragna.

Ruby: why are you excited Ragna?

Julian, Bero, and Viliana bust through door with decorations in their hands as they were happy like Ragna.

Rouge: because Christmas is coming!!!

Team RWBY are confused on one thing.

RWBY: What's Christmas????

Team Rouge looked at RWBY as they were in shock. Ragna went up to Ruby and they were touching noses.

Ragna: Christmas is a holiday in our world where we open up presents and have a good time!!

Blake: where do we get presents from?

Julian: Santa Clause.

Weiss: Santa who?

Viliana: Santa Clause. He's the one who brings in the presents for everyone who's been good all year.

Bero: to break it down, Santa Clause is a big fat man who sneaks into people's places and leaves presents for the good kids. The bad ones are suppose to get coal instead of presents.

Blake: that seems weird.

Yang and Ruby: But Awesome!

Ruby: who what do we do in order to get presents?

Ragna: first things first you have to be a good person throughout the year. You could be bad at one point but you mostly have to be good. Next on December 25th we go to sleep and the next day he'll leave presents under the Christmas tree.

Ruby: wow.

Ragna: also look out the window.

Ruby did so and saw lights and decorated trees set up all over Beacon as it was snowing. She looks back inside to see a Christmas tree lighten up.

Ragna: this is a Christmas tree. The presents will be there as the next morning hits.

Julian: now get ready we're gonna head out and enjoy since there's no school.

Everyone gotten dressed well for the cold. Right now RWBY and Rouge are walking around the courtyard as the students are looking around the decorations that Rouge placed. Ragna noticed someone in front of them as he had to explain again.

Ragna: and that's Christmas.

Ozpin: interesting. Though i might let this one slide since there's no school today so feel free.

Ragna: gotcha.

Soon Rouge and RWBY began to walk again as they were chatting. The were in Vale as Rouge placed all the Christmas decorations around with their powers.

They're in a restaurant grabbing something to eat.

Ragna: also there's songs that people sing. Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, Rodalf the red nose Reindeer. There are a lot but we will be playing one of them in a rock version later on.

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