Fontcest! ^\\~\\^

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(A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent. ^~^)

"Sans." Papy said. "Yeah Papy?" He asked. Papy needed to do this. It was now or never. "I want to do it." He mumbled. Sans tilted his head not thinking his brother wanted to do it. "Do what?" Sans asked. Papy looked at his shoes. "It." Papy replied, with a light orange on his face.

"Papy. Why?" Sans asked. "Last chance, because of the human..." He said. "Ok, but with who? You hiding someone from me?" Sans asked, completely oblivious. Papy stared into Sans's eyes. "You." Papy replied. Sans thought he was joking, but realized it wasn't a joke.

"M-me?" Sans stuttered. He was so nervous, because he's wanted this for a long time. "Yes you! Unless you want to be a lazy bones!" Papy said. His face was a bright shade of orange. "Ok, but why me?" Sans asked. Papy thought 'He is so stupid.' And stared at Sans. "You're sexy." Papy said as he stood up. Sans's face turned bright blue.

Sans pinned Papyrus up against the wall. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Sans asked, face to face, because he was floating. "Yes, absolutely positive!" Papy said. Sans pushed his lips onto Papy's. Papy (Surprise!) pushed his tongue against Sans's lips, asking for entrance.

Their tongues battled for dominance, as Papy reversed the situation, by putting Sans up against the wall. Papy grabbed Sans's face, and pushing himself to be the dominant one. They broke apart, and Sans gasped for air. "I didn't know -gasp- you knew how to- Ahhhh!" He said as he was launched onto his bed.

Papy took off Sans's clothes agonizingly slow. Sans rushed to pull Papy's battle body off. Sans bit his lip. Papy climbed on top of Sans, and had their lips meet. Sans tried to be dominant, but it was obvious Papy had taken charge. Papy lubed his fingers and dick up. He pulled his face away from Sans.

Papy put one finger in. "A-ah!" Sans gasped. Papy stuck another in. "Ahn~!" Sans moaned. Sans had never been a bottom, he was always the top. Now he got to try being a bottom. Sans bit his lip, trying not to show he had never been a bottom. Papy stuck a third finger in, and started slowly pumping them.

"A-ah~!" Sans tried to muffle his moans, but failed. Papy all of the sudden pulled his fingers out. Sans had beads of sweat trailing down his forehead. Papy smirked at his brother, trying not to go too fast. He gently laid himself on top of Sans's body. He positioned himself.

He slowly pushed his dick into Sans. "F-fuck~!" Sans moaned out. Papy pushed himself further in. "A-ahh! Oh m-my g-god Papy~!" Sans moaned. Papy carefully pushed himself all of the way in. Sans's body shook in pleasure. "A-ahn~!" Sans moaned in unison with Papy.

"Sans. C-can I m-move?" Papy asked. Sans waited a moment, and then nodded for him to continue. Papy slowly started to move his hips. "P-P-Papy~!" Sans half yelled half moaned. "B-Brother~!" Papy quietly moaned into Sans's ear. Sans bit his whole bottom lip.

"I d-don't t-think I c-can- Ha~!" Sans said, trying not to explode from pleasure. Papy hit his sweet spot every thrust. Papy suddenly started thrusting harder. "P-Papy~! F-fuck~! Fast-ter~! F-faster damn i-it~!" Sans demanded. Papy started thrusting faster. "Unn~! Nyaa~!" They moaned in unison.

Sans wrapped his arms around Papy's neck, and his legs around his waist. Papy put his face in the crook of Sans's neck. Sans took the opening and bit down on Papy's nape. "N-nyeh~!" Papy moaned, but trying not to loose dominance. He thrusted a bit faster.

Sans was starting to reach his limit, as well as Papy. "P-Papy! Nnn~! I t-think I'm g-gonna-Uh~! C-cum!" Sans moaned louder than before. Papy thrusted faster, and faster. "Papy~!!!" Sans said, as he arched his back and came all over both of their chests. Papy thrusted faster, and faster, and faster. "Sans~!!!" Papy moaned, as he came inside of Sans.

Papy sat up, and held Sans in a warm hug. "I love you, Sans." Papy said. "Papy. Please g-get out of m-me." He said, his face buried in the crook of Papy's neck. "Ok." Papy said. He carefully lifted Sans's hips off of him. "Ngh~!" Sans moaned slightly, and his body trembled.

Papy still held Sans close. This was the only night they could do this since Frisk was moving in tomorrow. Papy picked up Sans and brought him to the shower. Little did they know Author-Kun was watching the whole thing. "This is so going on Wattpad." He mumbled, and wiped away his nonexistent nosebleed.

(A/N: was this a good lemon? Comment what you thought!)

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