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(A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent.)

Sans walked into Grilby's pub. "Hey, Grillbz?" He called for him. He was invited to the pub, to do something, but didn't know what. "Sans. You got here sooner that I expected." He said. He had a towel around his waist, and his legs. His flames were dripping with obviously burning hot water. Sans's face got blue.

"Uhhh." He said, he felt strange. Not an awkward feeling, just strange. "It's fine." Grillby said, and walked over to Sans. Sans blushed a bit more. "You need to pay your tab." Grillby said, and dragged Sans to the back room. The back room was actually Grilby's home, so a back house. "Grillbz?" Sans asked, confused and frankly a bit nervous.

"How would you like to pay? Cash? Credit?" Grillby asked and got closer to Sans." Or your body?" Sans's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped a bit. "Grillbz. Uh..." He couldn't speak. Instead of speaking, Sans grabbed Grilby's wrist, and dragged him over to Grilby's bedroom.

"Sans?" Grillby asked, he was just joking around. Sans sat on Grillby's bed, waiting. Grillby picked up on his decision. Grillby wasn't really being serious in the beginning, but now... He did like Sans, in the love kind of way. "Ok. Sans. Are you sure? And if you are, we need to make... Arrangements." He said, trying to say that he was agreeing.

Instead of nodding or saying something, Sans pulled Grillby onto the bed. Sans pushed his lips to meet Grilby's. Grillby was surprised, but melted into the kiss like butter cooking in a microwave. Grillby sat up, and moved Sans under him. Grillby maintained the kiss, until he started to remove Sans's jacket.

Sans was panting a bit, and laid his arms lazily above his head. Grillby managed to remove Sans's jacket and shirt. He then removed Sans's shorts. "Before we do this, do you need anything?" Grillby asked concerned. Sans shook his head. Sans removed Grillby's towel with his feet, he had pushed it down, and it all came loose, revealing Grillby's large erection.

Grillby blushed a light red. He pulled Sans's boxers off, to reveal he too had a bit of a problem. Sans sat up, and moved his face towards Grillby's dick. He let a warm breath out on Grillby's dick. "S-Sans." Grillby gasped. Sans licked the tip. "S-Sa-ah!" He tried to speak.

Sans engulfed the thing in his mouth, struggling to fit it all of the way in his mouth. "Sans! Ah!" He said, trying to muffle any moans he had in his throat. Sans started to bob up and down, up and down. Grillby grabbed the sheets, and started to pant. He had an idea. He grabbed Sans's soul, and pulled it towards him. And Sans didn't notice. Grillby lightly grazed it with his fingertips, making Sans moan in pleasure.

Grillby grabbed his own soul, and pushed the two souls together. He rubbed them together, and felt so much pleasure in his body. "Hah!" Sans had left Grillby's dick out in the air. Grillby was upset that the warmth was gone, but that was replaced with a sort of lust. Sans got on his hands and knees, arching his back. His chin rested on his collarbone, and he was a moaning mess. Grillby returned their souls to the respective bodies.

Sans laid on his back, and spread his legs open. Grillby quickly grabbed a bottle of lube. He put some on Sans's asshole, and his own dick. He climbed on top of Sans, and put his hand out on either side of him. "If you need me to stop or something, just tell me." He said, and positioned himself.

Sans nodded for Grillby to start. Grillby gently pushed himself inside of Sans. Sans's eye sockets suddenly filled with tears. Grillby stopped, and wiped away Sans's tears. "We can stop." Grillby said, trying not to hurt Sans. "N-no! It feels... Good. Keep going." Sans said, panting in between each word.

Grillby nodded, and pushed himself further inside. "H-holy sh-shit!" Sans said, and his head tilted to the side. Grillby stopped, as he kissed Sans's forehead. Sans panted heavily. Sans nodded, and Grillby got all of the way inside. Sans's body shuddered in pleasure. Sans gripped the sheets, filled with lustful bliss.

"Hah. Hah. Grillbz. You're so... Big." Sans stated, huffing with every word. Grillby smiled a bit. Sans laid there for a minute, trying to adjust to Grillby's size. Sans slowly nodded his head, for Grillby to move. Grillby slowly moved his hips, forward and back. Sans moaned as loud as he could, without waking all of Snowdin.

Sans wrapped his legs around Grillby's torso, and his arms around Grillby's neck. He bucked his hips a bit, and Grillby knew to speed up. But only a little. Sans's breath hitched, and his hand went to his mouth. Grillby blushed a bright red, and orange mix.

Sans moved his hips, to signal that he wanted more. Grillby moved faster, and moved his hips in a consistent motion. "Gr-Gr-gah! Grillbz." Sans was a tsunami of moans, and lust. Grillby silenced him, mostly, by meeting Sans's lips. "Mmm!" They both started to feel a knot in their stomachs. Sans pulled apart from the kiss, not trying to of course.

Sans felt the knot snap, and covered his chest and Grillby's chest with cum. "Ah." He breathed put in a blissful state. Grillby felt the knot snap, and filled Sans with his cum. Grillby laid down next to Sans's now sleeping body. "I love you." He said, as he drifted off as well.

Author-chan smiled to herself. "Hehe. A hot skelepun. That is what their child will be." She said, all stalker like. She felt something, or someone, grab her by her sides. "Hey." A voice said behind her. 'Oh crap.' She thought, as she turned around.

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