Geno X Reaper

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(Not a lemon. Sorry, just finished one. But this one will be interesting. I guarantee it. Oh and, feels warning. Like MAJOR FEELS. )

Geno was laying in his room with Reaper. They were... married? Author-Kun didn't know the kind of relationship they had. Anyways, Geno had woken up to tiny little Goth curled up with his parents. "Gothy? What's wrong?" Geno sat up, and apparently Reaper was awake too.

They sat up, and held little crying Gothy. "I-I had a nightmare." Goth muttered through his scarf. Reaper was gonna get Nightmare for that one. "It's alright. It's okay. What was it about?" Geno didn't like the thought of Goth being scared. "Y-you... and papa... got ran over... by a boat." Goth sobbed. He clutched his dad's arms.

"Hey, hey, shh. It's okay. We are okay." Geno rocked Goth back and forth. "C-can you sing. P-please?" Goth hiccuped. "Oh. Okay." Geno was surprised, but started to sing anyways. "I'll be okay. You'll be okay. We'll be okay. It'll be okay." He sang this until Goth was asleep in his arms.

"Adorable little skeleton, huh?" Geno smiled warmly. Reaper sighed with relief. He thought that Geno would be crying at the song. After all, that was what his Pap used to sing when either of them were stressed. The first time he sang that song to Reaper...

-Five years earlier-

Reaper sobbed into Geno's shirt. "Sh-she's gone. Oh god. She's gone." Reaper had the nightmare again. He had the nightmare again. When he saw Toriel get slaughtered. His nightmare didn't have him find her soul, but the child absorb it, ending the nightmare. Geno rubbed his back.

"It's alright. It was just a nightmare." He said. Reaper still sobbed. Geno knew that he couldn't get him to stop until he sang. And he had sung all of his songs already... except one. He took a deep breath. "I'll be okay. You'll be okay. We'll be okay. It'll be okay." Geno began to cry as well.

Reaper looked up, and hugged him. He let go after Geno had calmed down. "Do you want to talk about it?" Reaper asked. Geno nodded. He took a minute to talk. "My Papyrus. He sang that whenever he or I got stressed. And... he... got killed." Geno shook, and tears ran down his cheekbones. Reaper put his hand over his mouth.

"I-I am so sorry." Reaper held Geno close to him. Now it was Geno's turn to sob into Reaper's cloak. Geno cried until he fell asleep. Reaper soon after. Author-Kun had been sobbing for days after that. He kept the story in the 'Feels' box in his room. Reaper still looks back on that night.

But, after his flashback was over, he kissed Geno. Geno smiled. They both fell asleep. Author-Kun's eyes welled up. "Not here. Alone." He whispered to himself. He teleported off to his room. His home. His safe place.

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