Author-Chan x Wattpad AU Sans

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(Okay. Quick lesson. Chan is feminine Kun is masculine. This is Author-CHAN not Author-KUN. It's the GenderSwapped!AU of me. And I came up with a new AU, well, at least to my knowledge. Wattpad Undertale. And there may be a bit of sin.)

"Oh, hey W!" Jesse said. "Hey Jesse." He said, in a funny guy voice. "I swear if you don't let me go, imma kick your dick so hard, that you won't get a boner for three months." She retorted sassily. And hair flipped her longish bangs, to emphasize their point. He made a pouty face, but removed his hands. But before she could thank him, he grabbed her hand. He pulled her back to her house, and she knew he wasn't as happy as he usually was.

She pulled open the door, and pulled him inside. "You promised no peeping!" He complained, and let her hand go. "It was for Wattpad! And plus, it's not like I was actually going in there." She put her hands on the sides of her waist. "Ffffffiiiiiiinnnnneeee! I forgive you... But I get to call you cinnamon roll whenever I want." He said. She glared at him, but didn't protest. She actually liked when he called her a cinnamon roll. But of course she would never admit it.

He pushed his forehead against hers. She connected their lips, and grabbed his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands resting on her back. She smiled in the kiss, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you." Her speech was muffled by his lips, but the message still came loud and clear. He pulled away from the kiss. "Why do we just do that for no reason?" He asked no one in particular. She shrugged, and smiled up at him.

He all of the sudden picked her up, bridal style, and plopped her on the couch. "Hey, I ordered a pizza. And do you wanna know what goes great with pizza?" He asked. "What?" She asked in a joking tone. "Wine. Wine goes great with pizza!" Jesse's smile started to melt. But her face just got red. "I.... I can't." She said, looking into her lap. "What?" He asked, as he walked over to her.

"I can't... Have alcohol." She said, and looked up into his eyes. He tilted his head. He was still clueless. "I... I'm pregnant... It's yours..." She said, and looked back into her lap. Tears rolled down her cheeks, thinking he would be angry. But, without her noticing, his face morphed from confused, to surprised, to absolute joy. "Really?" He said, ecstatic. "Yeah." She said, in barely a whisper.

He lightly put his hands on her face, and pulled her face up to see him. "How far along?" He asked, with tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. She was shocked at his reaction. "Uh... About eight weeks." She said, and he pulled her into his chest. "Do you want the gender to be a surprise?" He asked, softly. Her eyes widened, as she realized that he wanted to keep the baby. "Not really. I'd rather know." She said, her words quieted by his shirt. He nodded. "Ok."

Author-Kun looked through the window. "Huh. This is weird... And Author ception... Welp, screw it." He said, as he looked to find more lemons.

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