CherryBerry! (2) 0-0

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(Yes, finally a lemon. I know, but I have to be in the mood to write this. Mleh. So uh, here's the warning. A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent. Oh, and tell me if this chapter was terrible.)

Blue snuggled up next to Red. "I'm bored." He whined. "You know what I like to do when I'm bored?" He asked. Red looked up from his book. Blue let his tongue drop out of his mouth, and giggled. Red put down the book he was reading, and picked Blue up. He walked to their bedroom.

"Hehe. You really need to get a hobby." Red said. Blue just smirked up at him. "Maybe I'll be a stripper." He said, teasingly. "Maybe, but I'd go to every show." He said. He climbed on top of Blue. "Wait." Blue said. "I wanna top." Red sat back, and thought for a minute. "Fine. But if I can't walk tomorrow, I'm blaming you." He said.

He laid down on the bed, and let Blue climb on top of him. Blue pulled off all of his clothes, and Red's. "Lube is on the shelf." Red said, his face like a cherry. He was nervous, it was written on his face. He only bottomed once before, and it hurt too much to bear. "I'll be gentle. Don't worry." Blue said, his voice was sweeter that pure sugar. Red nodded.

Blue put lube on his fingers, and his dick. He started to tease Red. "Ah! Ngh!" Red moaned. He had never felt this kind of pleasure before. Blue's main concern was how Red was feeling. "Is this ok?" He asked. "Ah! Y-yeah. It's a-amazing." Red said, and he grabbed the sheets, and covered his mouth.

Blue wanted to hear Red's voice. "Hey, don't cover your mouth. It's hot when you moan." He said. Red didn't know how to respond other than dropping his hand from his face. Beads of sweat trailed down his face. His breathing was heavy. Blue took his fingers out, and moved his face towards Red's dick. He hadn't realized how big it was before.

He licked up and down Red's dick. "Blue! Ah!" Red moaned loudly, but luckily their room was now soundproof. Blue slowly licked around the tip, and started to suck. Red squeezed his eyes shut, but only because he felt better than he ever had. Blue deep-throated Red's dick.

Red felt so good, that he had to bite his lip. Blue pulled his mouth off of him. "Are you ready, Red?" He asked. Red's eyes opened wide, because he didn't get asked when he was ready for anything. "I... I think so." Red said. Blue gently spread Red's legs apart. Red looked up at the ceiling.

"Red? You ok?" Blue asked, concerned. "Yeah. Just... Yeah." Red said, his face cherry red. "Well, you need to relax before I do it. Or it will hurt. Just relax." Blue said, and started trailing kisses down from Red's neck to his shoulder. Red relaxed, because he knew, or at least he thought he knew, that it was going to hurt anyway, he should just get over it for Blue.

Blue lined up his dick. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked. Red nodded. Blue pushed his dick inside, just a little. Red gasped, he hadn't felt anything like this before. Red nodded again. Blue pushed his dick inside further. Red moaned, and gripped the sheets tightly. He felt like the most special person, laying there with Blue.

Red moved his hips, and Blue pushed his dick in the rest of the way. Red's jaw dropped open, and his eyes opened wide. "Are you ok?" Blue asked. "I-I'm better th-than ever! Ah!" Red couldn't hold back the moans that he had held in. Blue smiled. He moved his face to Red's ear. "I love you." He said, quietly. Red's eyes widened even more. He turned to Blue, and his face relaxed. "I love you too." He said.

Red wrapped his arms around Blue's neck, and moved his hips. Blue moved his hips forward and back, slowly. Red moaned out, and bit his lip. Blue moved a little faster. Red curled his toes in bliss. "Ahh! Ngh! F-fuck!" He couldn't control his moans. Blue went just a little faster, and they both started to get too close.

Blue started to thrust more sloppily, and came inside of Red. Red came a little after. Blue pulled out, and laid next to him. "Was I good? Were you comfortable?" Blue asked. "Of course. I might just become the bottom, instead of you." He joked. "We should switch, depending on how we feel." Blue suggested. Red nodded.

Author-Kun waved his magic pencil, and they were asleep. He looked at the two skeleton's faces. "They are both so adorable while they sleep. But Red is a more adorable bottom." He said. He disappeared, and the two woke up. "Author has got to stop spying on people while they fuck." Blue said.

Red replied, "Well, I like to read ours. And uh... Yeah." Blue smirked at Red's bright cherry face. "I love you." He said. Than Author-Kun truly left.

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