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"But PJ!" Fresh complained. "No. My mom would be freaked the fuck out." He said. "But, you can just say I'm just your friend." Fresh said, and furrowed his brows. "Can't say no to that adorable face." PJ sighed. They showed up at PJ's parent's house. PJ knocked on the door. Ink answered. "Oh, hey Hun!" He said, and hugged PJ tightly.

PJ laughed nervously. "Hey, mom. Where is dad?" He asked. "In the living room." Ink replied. PJ pulled Fresh inside. They sat down on the couch. "Yo son." His dad said. PJ just waved a nice hello. He sat extremely close to Fresh. "Mom. Dad. This is Fresh..." He said. His dad smirked knowingly. His mom just smiled a friendly smile.

"Um. There is one other thing you should know." He said. His parents and boyfriend looked at him. "Fresh is my... My boyfriend." He said, and blushed. Fresh laced his fingers through PJ's. His mom beamed. "Oh how wonderful! Do you want any pie?" His mom asked Fresh. Fresh got up. "You know it!" PJ just sat there, stunned.

"Wha?" He managed to say. "You do realize that your mom and I are both dudes, right?" His father asked. PJ nodded, but was still confused. "I... Thought mom would just be upset. Like you would if I was a girl." He said. "True. Would rip that person to shreds." He said.

It was the day before Thanksgiving, so they got to stay the night. They shared a room. "Sleeeeep." PJ said, and he flopped on the bed. He removed his shirt, and laid under the blanket. Fresh pulled off his shirt, hat, and sunglasses. He turned towards PJ, and fell into a deep sleep.

Author-Kun was upset with himself . "I am so tired." He said, and fell asleep.

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