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(I'm gonna try to be here more often... So yeah. If you dislike this ship, it's fine, but it's gay. So it's instantly awesome. Onto the crappy fic...)

"Paps. I'm goin to Grillby's." Sans said. Pap didn't mind, because he planned on having Mettaton over. "How long are you going to be there?" He asked. Sans's face turned blue. "I don't know... All night?" He was seeing Grillby more often. Pap then rushed Sans out of the door.He knew when Mettaton was coming. "Ok, bye." Pap said, and pushed Sans outside.

A few minutes later Mettaton's voice was at the door. "Papy, darling! Can I come in?" He asked. Pap sighed , because he knew Metta was gonna come in anyways. The door then burst open. "Metta, you can come in whenever you want." Papy said, suffocating in Mettaton's hoodie. Metta let go, and closed the door. He had his hair in a short ponytail. "So, how is Frisk?" Metta asked. "Good!" Pap responded. "They call you Ton-Ton, you know."

Metta smiled. "Huh. Well. Wanna watch a movie?" Metta asked. Pap nodded. "Ok, Suicide Squad, or Titanic?" Pap asked. Metta laughed. "I want to watch Suicide Squad, actually." He laid on the couch. Once the movie started, Pap snuggled up to Metta."Hey, can you pause the movie?" Metta asked.

Pap paused it, and Metta ran off to the bathroom. Metta vomited into the toilet, holding his stomach. He coughed for a minute, and wiped his mouth. Pap was suddenly at his side, putting his hand on Metta's back. "Are you ok?" He was concerned. "Yeah." Metta then vomited again. "I, uh... Wanted to tell you later, but it's fine now." He wiped his mouth. "Papy, I... Am... Pregnant." He said.

He looked up from the immense amount of vomit, to Pap's face. "Really?!" Pap exclaimed, his smile stretched across his face. "Yes." Metta smiled, and moved his hoodie up above his stomach. Alphys noticed first, so she made him a new body, so his stomach could stretch, and hold a life form. How did she notice? He wasn't even in his robot body, but as a ghost his small bump was noticeable.

Pap placed his hand on the now bigger stomach. He smiled, tears in his eyes. "Wow. I... Can't even describe how happy I am." He said. Metta embraced Pap, and kissed him. "What's it's name gonna be?" Metta asked. Pap pulled away. "Impact. It's name will be Impact." Pap grinned.

Author-Kun was so happy, that he were crying, too. "I can't wait to tell Reader-Senpais'!" He didn't know the plural for senpai, so he winged it... So he flew off into the sky, searching for the perfect star.

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