Error x Ink ^\\\\\\\\\\^

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(A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent. Oh! And for Error he can change between two forms. You will be able to tell by the text. I also apologize to the person who suggested ErrorFresh, because I just like this ship better. Sorry.)

Ink wrapped his arms around Error. "Nope." He said, as he tugged Error back. Error sighed. "But I don't think that it's such a good idea." Error said. That made Ink cross his arms. "But we're married, and I want a child!" He pouted. Error was defeated, because he just couldn't argue with his husband. "Fine. I'll get on the phone with an adoption agency." He said.

Ink looked dissatisfied. "I don't want to adopt." He said. Error looked at him in confusion. Ink sighed dramatically. "I mean I want either you or me to have the baby." He said, and it looked like a rainbow dusted across his cheeks. Error's eyebrows raised. Ink balled his fists in his still crossed arms. Error smirked as best he could. "Ok." He said, and an error message shone brightly.

It disappeared to reveal a black skeleton, with white clothing. "Error?" Ink asked, amazed. Error nodded. "But in this form, my name is Glitch." He stated to Ink, with a smooth, deep voice. "Ok, Glitch. Why are you in that form?" Ink asked. "You want to have a baby, right?" He asked. Ink's eyes widened slightly. "Oh." He said. He barely had time to stand, before Glitch picked him up bridal style.

Ink blushed. Glitch kissed Ink's temple. Ink giggled. They got to their bedroom, and Ink's lips met Glitch's. They pulled apart, and Glitch gently placed Ink on the bed. "Hey. Um... Is it... Going to-?" He got cut off by a finger brushing over his lips, to silence him.

"Hurt? Maybe a little. But I am going to try my best not to hurt you." He said, and brushed his hand across Ink's cheek. Ink nodded, and tried to relax. "May I?" Glitch asked, and moved his hands to Ink's jacket. Ink nodded, saying with his eyes that he could take it all off, if that's what he wished. Glitch gently sat ink up, and removed his jacket. He then removed Ink's t-shirt, and laid him back down.

He then pulled off his shirt and his shorts. Ink looked up at the ceiling, and chewed his lip. Glitch removed Ink's shorts, and his boxers. "Huh. Impressive." Glitch said, and moved to be closer to Ink's face. "What do you mean?" He asked. "It's pretty big, and rainbow." He stated plainly, and Ink's face turned a bright rainbow. Glitch moved to be at Ink's ribs. He reached in, and gingerly grabbed Ink's soul.

Ink bit his lip, nervous, but excited. Curiously, Glitch rubbed the soul with his thumb. It started to drip. Ink grabbed the sheets with one hand, and covered his mouth with the other.  "Hmm." Glitch muttered. He let go of the soul, and moved over to Ink's legs. He removed his boxers, and grabbed a bottle of lube. He put a small dollop on his finger, and applied it gently to Ink's asshole.

Ink let go of the sheets, letting his hand go slack. Glitch then applied it to his dick. "Ok, if you need me to stop, just tell me." He said, and looked at Ink's face. He positioned himself at Ink's ass. Ink nodded. Glitch slowly pushed himself only slightly inside of Ink.

Ink felt a wetness on his cheeks, and Glitch noticed as well. Glitch instantly stopped, and wiped away the tears from Ink's face. "We can stop if you want." He said, but Ink shook his head. "You can keep going." He said, slightly panting. Glitch pushed himself in, a bit further. Ink covered his mouth, and almost ripped the sheets, because of how hard he was gripping them.

Ink waited for a moment. He nodded, for Glitch to continue. Glitch pushed himself fully inside, but still being gentle. Ink grabbed the sheets with his other hand. "Ah!" He moaned. Glitch waited for Ink to be ready. Ink nodded after a few seconds. 'What is this feeling?' Ink thought. 'I want him to violate my whole body. But... Why?' Glitch started to move his hips, but not much.

Glitch gently put both of Ink's legs on his shoulders. Ink wrapped his legs around Glitch's shoulders. "F-f-ah! Mo-mor-re!" He managed to moan out. Glitch went at a moderate speed, and laid his hands on each side of Ink. Ink's rainbow tongue fell out of his mouth. His saliva left a rainbow colored trail down his jaw. He started to pant heavily. "Are you comforta-able?" He asked Ink, slightly stuttering.

Ink nodded. He grabbed Glitch's soul, without him noticing. He rubbed it with his thumbs, and Glitch's breathing hitched. "F-fuc-ck!" He said, and threw his head back. He kept moving his hips, and moved his head to his chest. His teeth clenched. Ink curiously started to lick at Glitch's soul, making Glitch gasp in surprise.

"May I h-hah! Have my sou-l back ple-ea-ase?" He begged. "Go fast-te-er. You get y-your-r soul bac-ck then." He stated. Glitch went as fast as he could, without hurting Ink. Ink moaned loudly, and let go of the soul, which floated back into Glitch's ribs. Glitch grabbed Ink's dick, and moved his hand up and down, slowly. Ink gasped at the sudden contact.

Ink's back arched. "Glitch! I'm gonna-!" He yelled out, and Glitch grabbed Ink's hand. "Me too." He agreed, trying to keep himself stable. Ink and Glitch felt a knot in their guts. Ink felt the knot snap, and came all over both of them. "Error!" He yelled, since it was still the right name. Glitch felt the knot snap, and filled Ink with golden cum. "Ink!" He said.

Their bodies pulled apart. Glitch turned back into Error. Error laid across from Ink, and closed his eyes. Ink's eyes were still half lidded, and he was barely aware of the fact he was covered in rainbow and gold. Ink pulled the covers over the both of them, and drifted off to sleep. Author-Kun became visible, with his tablet, and camera. "Luckily I recorded this." He said quietly, and disappeared.

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