CherryBerry! {Underswap and Underfell Sans} ^~^

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(A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent.)

"Hey, Fell-Sans?" Blueberry asked. "Yeah?" Fell asked. Blueberry blushed a harsh baby blue. "U-um... I want to uh... Do the thing I heard Original Pap and Sans do." Blueberry said, he blushed a darker shade of blue. Fell's face turned a slight shade of red. "With who?" He asked. Blue looked into his eyes. "You." He said, seriously.

"A-are you sure Blue? I-I mean-" Fell was cut off by Blueberry shoving his lips onto Fell's. Fell blushed a harsh shade of red. Blueberry gently pushed him down onto the couch. They were lucky that they shared a house, and the other Paps were at the Toriel's house (as in all au's) for the night.

Blue was more sexual than anyone ever expected. Blue grinded on Fell, and moaned while their lips were still attached. Blue pushed his tongue against Fell's lips harshly, forcing entrance. Their tongues battled for dominance, but Blueberry won. They pulled apart.

Blueberry literally ripped off his and Fell's clothes. Fell pulled down his and Blueberry's underwear teasingly slow. Blue took immediate action. He shoved his dick into Fell's mouth, so he wouldn't be teased. Fell managed to flip him and Blue over. Fell bobbed his head up and down, but painstakingly slow.

Blue huffed, and Fell got off of him. Fell carried Blue to his room, and licked around his neck. Blue shuddered, and bit his lip. Fell found his weak spot. They landed in the bed, as Blue licked Fell's face. "Oh, Fell~!" He said jokingly. He dropped a bottle of lube on Fell. Fell stood up and lubed up his dick, and his fingers.

He stuck two fingers in, but Blue just bit his lip. Two more. "Ngh~!" Blue moaned softly. He buried  his face in the sheets. Fell started to pump his fingers. "Ah~!" Blue moaned ever so slightly louder. Fell all of the sudden pulled them all out. "Hey, what was that- Ah~!!!" Blue cut himself off when Fell shoved all of his fingers back in at once.

"So. You like it rough, huh?" Fell whispered seductively into Blueberry's ear. Blue smirked and nodded. Fell stuck his tongue into Blueberry's entrance. "Ah~!" Berry moaned audibly. Fell pulled his tongue out and climbed on top of Berry. Berry still had his ass up in the air.

Fell bit Berry's nape, and grabbed his hips. "Hey Fell. Don't hold back." Blue said. Fell nodded. He quickly stuck his dick into Berry. "F-Fell! Oh, f-fuck~! Ah~!" He moaned loudly, and bit his lip. He needed to see Fell's face. He quickly flipped Fell on his back, and turned to face him.

"Like what you see~?" Blue asked seductively. Fell nodded, but it was unbearable for Blue not to let him be in control. "J-just m-move alr-ready!" Fell bit his lip. Blue stood over him, then quickly sat back down, and continued to thrust his hips harshly and violently up and down.

"Nya-a~! Fuck F-Fell!" He said, as he bounced faster and harder on Fell's dick. Fell didn't hold anything back. He grabbed Blue's hips, and held him down on top of him. He managed to flip over, and keep Blue down. "Ahhhhh~!!! Yes~!!! Ahhh~!" Blue moaned as Fell violently thrusted into him.

Fell promised he wouldn't hold anything back. He summoned two more dicks. One went to Blue's mouth, while the other went to join Fell's. Blue deep throated the dick at his mouth. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!" Fell moaned, almost screamed.

Blueberry came all over the sheets, his and Fell's chest's as well. His eyes rolled back into his head, as Fell went even faster. Faster and faster and faster, until Fell couldn't take it. "Blue!!!" He screamed as he came inside of Blue. The other two members disappeared.

Fell laid down on his sheets, Blue still on top of him. Blue swiftly pulled himself off of Fell, and passed out. Fell carried him to get a cool bath, and to get him to bed. Little did they know Author-Kun was watching.

"Another chapter!" He whispered. He snuck out of their room, but his lemon sense was tingling. He teleported to where a new chapter awaited.

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