Author-Kun's Room

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(This chapter is about... well me. This is continuing on from last chapter. Possible feels, and/or things that may or may not be triggering.)

Author-Kun curled up on his bed. He was crying, sobbing. He was having another panic attack. He couldn't breathe, but he doesn't own an inhaler. He slowly sang Geno's song, he had adopted it a while ago. He just stopped singing, and breathed in. His fingers curled around his blanket. He still cried.

He dug his nubby nails into his thumb. He left marks there. They faded later, and they weren't painful. Well, not too painful. Just enough to bring himself a little bit back into reality. He calmed himself. He threw on his favorite grey hoodie. His eyes were bloodshot, and rimmed red. That's how anyone could tell he was crying. His door swung open.

His sister, Mallory walked in. "Hey, Max. Wait, what's wrong?" She asked, her smile dropping. She had her pink flower crown, the one that matched his. Although, his was blue. "Nothing. Just a panic attack." He said. Mallory sat on his couch with him under his loft. "Max, what happened to set it off?" She asked. "I don't know." He had gotten good at lying.

"Alright. If you want to talk, I'm here." She said. She closed the door behind her. He had gotten really dysphoric, which usually happened after his panic attacks. He wrapped his arms around his chest. "Stupid boobs." He muttered to himself. Max is transgender. His sisters don't judge him, but he doesn't talk to them much about it.

He hasn't come out to his parents, although he knows his mother would still love him. He just doesn't know about his dad. When he came out as pansexual, his dad wasn't too supportive. Anyways, he curled up on his couch, and started to think. He decided that wasn't a good idea, so he got up.

He has surgical tape, or something like that. He pulled some off, and tried to flatten his chest. He failed, of course, since C/D cups aren't easily flattened. He pulled the tape off, and winced a little. He laid back on his couch, and decided to make this chapter. Now it's been published.

Max hopes that you don't do stupid shit like him, and that you feel comfortable in your environment enough to come out. Be strong. Don't hurt yourself. Bind safely. Make sure you sleep enough. It will be okay.

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