Nightmare X Dream

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(Lemon! Another! Yay!)

Nightmare laid on the floor of his room. "I'm bored." He muttered to himself. He sat up, suddenly aware that someone nearby was asleep. Someone important. He smirked. "Time for a shortcut." He chuckled to himself.

He teleported into a room he hadn't been in. He looked down, to see Dream, asleep. "Oh. This will be interesting." Nightmare poked Dream, activating Dream's worst nightmare. Nightmare just had to see. He had a few guesses. He didn't expect the nightmare that he saw. He looked into the nightmare.

-In the dream (which means Nightmare can't control anything in it) -

"N-Nightmare." Dream spoke softly, unlike him. "Yeah, Dream?" Nightmare had his hands in his pockets. "I have to tell you something. Don't freak out." Dream's voice cracked. Nightmare nodded. "I... I love you." Dream's face turned bright yellow. Author-Kun saw that coming. Nightmare backed away he looked disgusted.

"You sick fuck." Nightmare said. Then they both woke up. Dream's face was a mess of tears. Nightmare was completely stunned. "Dream?" Nightmare's tone was soft. "Nightmare! You didn't see- oh who am I kidding of course you did. I'm sorry. I-" Dream's rambling was cut off by Nightmare pulling Dream into his chest.

"It's alright. I... I love you too." Nightmare rubbed Dream's back comfortingly. Dream was silent for a moment, then looked up. He smiled, and cried tears of joy. He almost crushed Nightmare in his arms. "Oh my stars. Are we a couple now?" Dream was so excited. "Y-yeah. I guess we are. Wanna go to dinner later?" Nightmare was full of joy when he heard 'yes'.

- A few years, and one proposal later-

"Do you take Dream to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Science asked. "Of course." Nightmare smiled brightly. "And do you take Nightmare to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Science had turned to Dream. "Until I die." Dream's smile melted Nightmare's heart. "You may kiss the groom!" And that's just what those two did.

They went through presents, and a few stood out. A bag full of... 'toys'. Dream gasped, while Nightmare just laughed. "I'm gonna use these on Dream. And maybe even myself."  Nightmare muttered. Dream didn't pay attention to that. He was to excited and happy to. They opened their next presents. There was a crib, and a coupon for couples tattoos.

"I thought you two would have some kids!" Blue said, while Red just hugged him from behind. Dream's face got yellow. Nightmare smirked. "I mean, it was the thing I thought was the sweetest." Ink smiled, and told them that they didn't have to use the coupon. But they insisted that they would definitely get them when they had the time.

Then came the honeymoon. Dream and Nightmare were both nervous. Dream had always planned to save his virginity  'til marriage, and he was just that. Married. Nightmare was just worried that he would hurt Dream. But the thing is (by Author-Kun's rules) when any monster got married, they got heats on their honeymoon nights.

Dream had just finished unpacking both of their bags when his hit. "Oh. A h-heat. Th-that helps." He removed his clothes, and put on a robe. He laid on the bed, waiting impatiently. Nightmare's struck when he walked back into the room. Of course, because Author-Kun controlled that himself.

"D-Dream. I just g-got my h-heat." His face was dark blue. "M-me too." Dream said. Nightmare closed and locked the door behind him. "F-fuck me Nightmare." Dream pulled off his robe. Nightmare just was suddenly naked. Neither of them knew how, or cared. They kissed passionately, falling into the bed.

Dream pulled away, and got Nightmare under him, so he had control. He hovered above Nightmare. He had a pussy, apparently this happened often for him. "Dream? Y-you alright?" Nightmare was concerned. Dream nodded, and was hovering on his knees, right above Nightmare.

"Beg for it." Dream had been completely overtaken by his desires- and kinks. "W-what?" Nightmare was extremely confused. "You heard me. Beg. For. It." Dream had never had sex, but he did have fantasies. "P-please. I want y-you to... to... sit down on my... my dick." Nightmare's face was almost completely dark blue.

"Alright." Dream smirked, and put Nightmare inside him completely. He moaned out, and gripped the sheets. Dream managed to keep his noises quiet. He slowly bounced up and down, up and down. Finally, Nightmare couldn't take it. He flipped them over, and started thrusting his hips as hard and fast as he could.

"Ah! Nig-Nightm-mare! Fuck! T-too f-fa-a-ast!" Dream could barely speak over his moans. Nightmare picked up the pace, and they both came close to coming. But Nightmare stopped. He let Dream take a breather. "Ok. K-keep going." Dream said after a minute. Nightmare thrusted himself inside of Dream.

Dream's hand found Nightmare's sweet spot, on his spine. Nightmare gasped, and moaned louder. He fucked Dream as hard and fast as his body allowed. Dream's eyes rolled back, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. Nightmare sped up somehow. They were both gonna cum.

"D-Dream! Fuck! I- I thi-ink were b-both c-close!" Nightmare gripped the sheets so hard he ripped them. Dream didn't respond with anything but moaning. They both came, riding out their orgasms. A few moments later, Nightmare pulled out, and flopped down next to Dream. "I love you." They said in unison.

They both passed out. Author-Kun stopped recording on his phone. "Reader-Senpais are gonna love this. He waved his magic pencil, and the 'mess' was cleaned up. The newlyweds were under the covers, nice and cozy. Author-Kun left.

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