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(A/N: Lemon warning. Lemon = porn porn = unsuitable for the innocent.)

Quick history! Yay! I'm terrible! Sugar Sans and Melon Sans (in this fic) are lovers. Except they don't often have sex, so not very typical. They don't really tell people about their relationship. So, Author-Kun (me) will share the details! Sorry, for the interruption. Now back to your regularly scheduled fanfic!

Sugar Sans was walking around his house, and suddenly got hit with his heat. "Heat, s-season?" He was surprised at the sudden heat. It usually started when he was asleep. He walked slowly towards his room. "A-ah!" He heard muffled from Melon Sans's door. "What?" He whispered under his breath.

"S-sugar! Ah!" He heard through the door. His eyes went wide. He snuck into the room. He obviously locked the door behind him. "You called?" Sugar asked seductively, teasingly. "Sugar!" Melon's face was bright red. He pulled his blanket to cover himself. "Aw. Don't do that. You look, so cute." Sugar's words began to slur at the last part.

Melon blushed, and removed the blanket. "Oh, wow." Sugar whispered. "You summoned... a..." He couldn't finish his sentence. "I know, right. It's just, I don't know." Melon panted, his legs spread wide. He had summoned a pussy. First time that Author-Kun had seen that happen.

Sugar's heat told him to seize the opportunity. He quickly pulled Melon's shorts the rest of the way off. Melon pulled his jacket, and shirt off. His red and green soul glowed. Sugar pulled all of his clothes off. Melon laid there, waiting. Sugar stood, staring. "Well? Get to it!" Melon ordered.

Sugar dropped to his knees, and shoved his face between Melon's legs. He licked, and sucked while Melon moaned his heart out. "O-okay. Now y-your ju-ust te-easing me." Melon was enjoying it, though he didn't think he had to say it. Sugar looked up at him. "Do you just want me to...?" He trailed off.

Melon pulled Sugar from his knees. "You are going to fuck me, until I can't stand." Melon was clouded by his heat. Sugar was shocked at Melon's actions, but didn't argue. He positioned himself. "Just don't break me on the first round. Okay?" Melon smirked, as Sugar's face went blue. "Ready?" Sugar asked. Melon just swayed his hips a bit, and that was the only 'yes' that Sugar needed.

He shoved himself completely inside. "Fuck, so tight!" Sugar muttered. Melon's eyes watered, but he moaned all the same. Sugar wiped away his lover's tears. He waited. "W-what di-id I just te-ell you? Fuck me!" No sooner after Melon say the magic words did Sugar start to move his hips.

"Ah! Ngh, fuck!" Melon mouth needed to be cleaned out, with his swearing. Sugar pressed his lips to Melon's to shut him up. He suddenly stopped moving his hips. "Mph?" Melon couldn't speak, with Sugar kissing him. "I heard the door open. The front one." Sugar whispered so quiet almost no one could hear it.

Melon's eyes widened. They waited. No more sounds. Sugar suddenly thrust his hips, and harshly met Melon's lips with his in passion. Melon's eyes rolled back, you couldn't see his pupils. They both moaned, muffled my each other's tongues. They pulled apart, and came. They called each other's names.

Sugar pulled out, and flopped down beside Melon. "Huh. That, was great." Melon panted. "But it's still not over." Melon pointed down at his lover's large erection. Melon moved down to Sugar's pelvis, and started to suck his dick. "M-Melon! You d-don't have t-too!" Melon had shoved the entire thing in his mouth, and down his throat.

He bobbed his head up and down, looking up at Sugar, batting his eyes. Sugar's head tilted back, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "Fuuuu- Melon-Ah!" Melon's eyebrows raised at Sugar's moans. Melon teasingly moaned, and Sugar suddenly shoved his hands down on the back of Melon's head.

"Mpf!" Melon's hands instinctively went to Sugar's hips. He had a fantastic idea. Or maybe it was just Author-Kun's magic pencil at work. "M-Melon? W-what are you- Hya!" Melon lifted Sugar up onto his shoulders. Sugar wrapped his arms around Melon's scull. Melon pushed Sugar up against a wall, making a loud 'thump'.

Sugar's arms flew up against the wall, when he got slammed into it. He suddenly shoved his hands over his mouth. He moaned, and Melon let him grind against his mouth. "F-fuck! Melon! I'm- I'm gonna- cu-Ah!" He came in Melon's mouth. Melon laid Sugar on the bed, and plopped down next to him.

"I love you." Melon spoke first. "I-I love you too." Sugar panted, hard. Sugar's eyes suddenly widened. "Hey, I just realized we didn't use a condom, and we can't use birth control." He spoke fast. Melon curled up to Sugar. "That's okay with me. I don't even know if we can." Sugar smiled, and they cuddled. Author-Kun smiled.

He left the room. "I swear, the idea I had to make Melon prone to having children for a chapter was a good one." He whispered to himself. He teleported off to his writing room. Or, his bedroom. Or, basically mini house. He could describe it, but thought that should be for another chapter.

(A/N: Do you guys want a chapter of me? Or a description of what happens when he gets home? Up to you guys. Seeya! -winks-)

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