Meeting The Doctor

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**Finn's POV**

She just made me the happiest man in the world.Not only was I sure that I was in love with her she was giving me my first child. I knew this was the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I pulled away from the kiss hearing her sigh and looked her in the eyes.At that very moment she looked absolutely gorgeous.Her eyes were sparkling and she had the most beautiful glow to her face causing me to smile at her.She returned the smile which made her look more gorgeous.She had one of the most beautiful smiles that I had ever seen. I pulled her into a hug which she returned.

After I let go of her and looked at her with a reassuring smile letting her know that I would be back. I then walked out of her room and walked down the hallway to the bathroom entering. I closed the door and locked it before walking over to the toilet. I used the toilet and flushes the toilet before fixing my boxers and pants. I then turned around and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. I then dried my hands and looked into the mirror. I ran my hands over my face thinking how much years ago I was so sure that I didn't want kids.That was then and this is now. I couldn't be so sure that I wanted kids now. I wasn't going to be the type of father I had growing up.One that was always too busy to help me with my homework.One that was too busy to come to my wrestling who was too busy to support me. I was going to be there for my kid no matter what.

I walked back over to the bathroom door and unlocked it before opening the door and exiting the bathroom. I walked down the hallway and entered her room to see her laying down on the bed. I walked over to the bed and laid down on her bed wrapping my arms around her. She laid her head on my chest and cuddled close to me.With her eyes closed she tells me that she has a doctors appointment in a couple of hours and that she wanted me to be there. I wouldn't miss the appointment for anything. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Hunter to let him know that I would see him at the arena. I then shut my phone off and put it back in my pocket then started to rub her back.

**flash forward a couple hours**

Here we were sitting in an exam room at the doctors office waiting on the doctor to come in. I could see the mixed emotions on her face.Happiness.Nervousness.Anxiety.Excitement. I knew the emotions all too well because those were the emotions I was feeling as well.Just then the exam room door opened.

The doctor walked in and walked over to the counter carrying papers. I looked over at Bayley as I saw her bite on her bottom lip and started playing with her hair as she looked down at the floor.I then looked back at the doctor who was looking over the papers.

A few minutes later he turned around from the counter and walked towards Bayley.She was still looking at the floor wringing her hands.She looked more gorgeous by the minute and soon I will ask her to be my wife.The doctor handed her a couple sheets of the papers before saying"Congrats Bayley the test confirmed that you are indeed pregnant.Those papers are a prescription for your prenatal vitamins and one for bloodwork.When you're ready I need you to meet me in my office."She looked at the papers and then at me with the biggest smile on her face before nodding at the doctor.

The doctor then turn towards the door and left the room. I looked over at her to see her rubbing her belly.I get up out of the chair and walk over to her to help her down off the examining table.We then leave the room and walk over to the doctors office and enter.He asks us to sit down.We sit down beside each other and he takes out a few sheets of paper and begins to go over the family medical history.

A few minutes later we were done with the whole family medical history.He said we were free to go and that we had to make an appointment for the first prenatal visit.We got up and walked over to the door and exits.We walked towards the waiting room and stopped by the receptionist so Bayley could make her first prenatal visit.When the appointment was made we left.We walked over to my car hand in hand with smiles on our faces.

A Love Story:Bayley and Finn BalorWhere stories live. Discover now