Halfway There

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**Bayley's POV**

It's been three weeks since my darling Finn asked me to be his wife.I'm officially halfway through my pregnancy.We have been debating for the last two weeks about whether or not we would find out our baby's gender.I wanted to know,but Finn wasn't sure if he wanted to know.We decided the only thing we could think of.We made the decision that when the tech went to check our baby's gender we would look away from the screen and have the tech write on a piece of paper what the gender is and put it in an envelope.On a later date we would have a family member have the envelope and announce it at a party.Now to think about who we would have make that announcement for us.We know we want the baby's gender to be a special occasion.We wanted everyone involved in the gender release to feel special.Finn finally decided that we should let his 10 year old cousin reveal the baby's gender and I quickly agreed.

I walked upstairs and into the bathroom as Finn sent his cousin a quick text about what we talked about.I quickly did my make up and was back out the bathroom door ready to head back downstairs to finish getting ready to go to our ultrasound appointment.I walk downstairs and over to the couch to sit down and put my shoes on.After struggling to put my shoes I gave up and called Finn in to help me.I look up to see him walk towards me on the phone.He takes the phone away from his ear and puts it on speakerphone setting it on the coffee table.He gets on his knees in front of me and helps me with my shoes.After he got my shoes on me he stands up and helps me up before picking up his phone.

******Flash Forward to ultrasound appointment******

The tech called me into the room.Finn stood up and helped me up before we walked over and through the door heading to the ultrasound room.We enter the room and the tech tells me to lay down on the examining table.I walk over holding hands with Finn and he helps me lay down before sitting down in a chair by me.The tech types my information into the computer and turns towards me with a bottle.She asks me to pull my shirt up over my belly and lowers my pants a little bit putting a towel in place.She puts gel on my stomach out of the bottle and puts the bottle back in the drawer.She grabs a device she called a doppler and put it on my stomach.She moved the doppler around on my stomach and pushed some keys on the keyboard.Before she continued she stopped and turned to us asking us if we wanted to know the gender.Finn hands her a piece of paper and an envelope asking her to put the gender on the paper and seal the paper in the envelope.The tech agreed to do that and we turned our heads to look at each other.A few minutes later i felt the doppler move up my stomach and stop before feeling it being lifted.I turn around to come face to face with our baby.

I turn around to come face to face with our baby

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A Love Story:Bayley and Finn BalorWhere stories live. Discover now