- Book One: The Beginning - Chapter 1.

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Today, I woke up, ate, brushed my teeth and did the usual...I sat alone by myself.

I exclude myself in any social participation whatsoever, adding up to me having no social life, or acquaintances. I just spend my time on the Internet, researching science theories, geometry, trigonometry, basically anything mentally challenging. My peers don't appreciate my intelligence, but I don't mind.

And just because I have a logical and official type vocabulary, doesn't mean that in a needed time, I won't cuss you out. Because I will. Oh I will..

But enough of that, let's get deeper into my shallow pool which is called my life, shall we?

I'm an orphan. Been like it since birth. No one wanted to adopt me when I was younger, I kept my distance and never talked much, which drew away foster parents, but now that I'm older and more mature with my say in things that they can't (and won't) shut me up. I constantly make banter about topics they have no concern about, and they say I'm too 'much' for them. Oh well.

But I've always wondered what it'll be like to be part of a family. To have the tight hugs from a father figure, and a gentle caress of a loving mother. I pray almost everyday for me to receive this kind of nurture I was deprived of. I always smile big when I think of that. I took a bowl from the top drawer as the orphanage house owner walked in.

"Morning Ms. Avalon."

"Morning sweetie! What are you gonna eat?"

"Carbohydrates, calcium, granulated cane essence, and sterling sliver." Silence fell.

"A bowl of Lucky Charms."

"Right. Soo..."

"You prolonged that 'so' to infer to me that we're changing the subject to..?"

"Open House next week!!" She jumped with glee, bringing out a highlighted smile to her radiant face, which just brought a scowl to mine.

Ew, even more people criticizing how I function. Physically, I was a light skinned mixed kid, curved slightly in the hip area, always alined straight as a pencil, short hair, brown eyes, always wearing big sweaters and beanies, and I have a crooked smile. It wasn't fair that all the other kids were cuter and prettier than I was, but that isn't supposed to matter right? Of course not. (I always answer my own questions, I rarely ask any to anyone else) That shouldn't stop me.

"Yeah, what's so good about it anyway? I never get picked. It's because I'm different compared to normal kids." (See?) "They're all cutesy and I'm...bleeh."

"That makes no sense." Ms. Avalon stated.

"Ah, but it does to me." And with that, I was out, gliding up the stairs to be left alone with my carbohydrates, that are swelling due to my calcium. Sigh.

After I was done, I strolled back downstairs to see my arch mimesis. Jessica Welling.

Jessica Welling has been here for at least a year, and she has been a ray of sunshine to others, but under a magnifying glass, she shrivels me up like a piece of burnt toast. She is the one who starts a wildfire in my heart. And along with heartburn comes indigestion.

"Morning lonely orphan." She barks.

"Morning you little shitbrick." I barked back.

"Stop it girls." Ms. Avalon said firmly. "I can't have you two bickering constantly like this at Open House on Wednesday. Shape up or you won't get adopted."

"I know Ms. Avalon, but if we both shape up, I highly doubt that someone would adopt this abomination." Jessica stated.

"Oh ABOMINATION! A new word you learned! Finally, good job-you..get a sticker!" I retaliated in my 'first-grade teacher' voice. I clapped merrily. My grin grew wider as I saw embarrassment fade in on her face.

"ENOUGH!" Ms. Avalon yelled. "Now get yourselves together!"

"Fine. She got that word from Lilo and Stitch anyways." I mumbled.

"Please, I would know how I learned a word.." Jessica corrected me.

"Actually, no you won't. Sorry for overestimating your brain capacity for vocabulary." She groaned as loud as she could and stomped away. Ms. Avalon gave me a scowl. "...yes.?"

"Stop being so irritable to her."

"ME?! TO HER?! She started it, and you constantly ask me to 'be normal', and ending a fight is relatively 'normal' for teenaged girls to do! Unless, you...want me to stop.."

"Yes-just...be ready for Open House-"

"Oh I will, but I actually agree with the horrid Jessica for once, I won't get adopted." I mimicked.

"Yes you will. I want you to get adopted for your birthday."

"But my birthday isn't until next August-"

"I know. I want you to spend your next birthday with your new foster parents.

I've been taking care of you since you were a baby, a sweet, small baby. I want to see you grow up with someone else. I'm not gonna be able to do that forever." Tearing up, she held my shoulders. "Please." She hugged me.

"Thank you for everything. Seriously. But you know I have no ability to cry." I said.

That night I laid awake wondering how it'll be like to be adopted. To go to school. (Not that I need to) To accommodate childhood memories to last in my mind so I can play it over and over and over.

Then I waited for a long night of sleep for the next day.

Oh I almost forgot,

My name is Florence Azalea. No last name if course. -2∞+↑

A/n: special thanks to @MuchMoreMuchier for making my cover!!!!

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