Chapter 6.

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"Mr. and Mrs. Horan?" Florence called.

"Yes dear? Yer grandpappy's asleep..." She found her sitting near the dining table with some tea, and a book in her hand. "Come, sit." Florence carefully sat next to her grandmother. "Wha' seems tuh be tha probl'm?"

"I just wanted to ask you a, question." She hesitated, ever so slightly.

"We'll go ahead. Ask meh. I'm happeh tuh answer!"

Florence fell silent for a long time. She contemplated on the fact that she, as smart as she is, didn't know the answer to the question pounding in her brain. She felt stupid for even thinking up the question, and she couldn't look at the lovely woman patiently waiting for it. She didn't even think she wanted an honest answer. But she asked her anyway.
"Mrs. Horan, when do you know..."

"Go on, missy." She ushered on.

"When do you know that... you're in love?"

"Um..." She pondered. "Are... Are ya in love?"

"No." She doesn't love Riordan like how Riordan is deeply in love with her.
She liked him a lot, not to the point were she wanted him to engage her, at least, just to the point where she cared a lot about him.
"I'm not in love with anyone. I love Niall, though."

"Why'd ya ask then?" Mrs. Horan took off her glasses and put her book down to concentrate on Florence. "Thar's gotta be a reas'n."

"Just asking." Florence was becoming timid.

"Well, Florence honey, love is somefing very importa'nt tuh 'ave in life. If ya feel tha' yer stomach, where yer nauseous when he looks at ya, or yer heart jus'... has an o'erwhelmin' longin' for his attenti'n, it's on it's way. When it beats a wee bit softer when he talks tuh, ev'n if it's a bit hostile, you'll know." She warmed Florence's timid heart with a soft smile.

"What about... What about if someone loves you, but you can't return the favor?" Florence asked.

"Wha' fav'r?! Tha's bullshit, Florence.
Ya don't, 'own' people love. Thar are no fav'rs. Yer can always love back. Always. Jus' take yer time, ya jus' need time. Time is very import'ant in love. Ok?"


"Florence," Niall frighteningly appeared from the dark hallway in his pajamas. "I hav' a question fer ya."

"S-Shoot." Florence felt very anxious, feeling that Niall overheard their private conversation.

"Riordan... He loves ya very muc'h. It happen'd, ridic'lously fast, way tuh fast fer a new father tuh handle..." Niall stopped, drew a heavy breath, and went to go make himself some tea. "But he means a shit ton o' good. He's a good lad, very kindheart'd boy. So don't cha dare turn 'em down because yer sparin' yer ol' Nialler here!" He wagged his finger at Florence.

"No, no," Florence laughed. "I just, don't. I don't love him back."

"Well why not?" He asked.

"Niall!" His mother crowed. "Ya can't jus' ask fings lik' at, eh?"

"Mum, I'm jus' askin'!" Niall paused to take a sip of his fresh tea and said, "Florence. Tha's heartbreakin'. So heartbreakin', I could weep."

"What!?" Florence hacked. "What's so wrong with me not knowing if I'm in love with someone or not? This conversation is weird, I'm going to make my detox tea, take my medicine, and attempt to go to sleep. Goodbye."

"No, Florence. Sit." She slumped back down in her seat and let out a big huff of air. "We ain't forcin' ya tuh marry em'! I'm jus' askin' why not? Love's a pow'rful n' wond'rfull fing. You deserve it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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