Part 7

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Mckenzie had just stood up from the lunch table to go to the bathroom. She felt like she was going to puke. The past few days Mckenzie had felt like she had the flu which she obviously hasn't had since before she was turned.

Once she was out of the lunch room, she ran vamp-speed to the bathroom. She wished she could have gone back to her room with her friends and just have gone to the bathroom there, but she couldn't wait.

The next second, she was standing over the toilet, puking her guts out. She felt horrible. She hadn't felt this bad since she ate a moldy hamburger as a dare in fifth grade. Mckenzie puked on and off for another five minutes until there was nothing left and she was just dry heaving. She leaned her back against the stall's wall and slid down it until she was sitting and closed her eyes. This was the third time that she had had a puking fit. She didn't want her friends finding out, so after the second time, she started carrying around her toothpaste. It was so embarrassing.

After regaining her strength, she stood up slowly and made her way over to the sink so she could quickly brush her teeth before anyone else walked in. Carrying around a toothbrush too would be too difficult. She figured she could just use her finger anyway if it even happened again, which it did. She rinsed her mouth out one last time before sticking the toothpaste back into the band of her floral shorts. She grabbed some paper towel and wiped her mouth and threw it out just as she was about to walk out the door, but before she could even open it, the door opened towards her and five of the girls from the lunch table next to her before walked in. Mckenzie backed up as they walked towards her.

"Excuse me," she said quietly and tried to slide between two of them. They blocked her and kept moving forward, forcing her to step back more.

"I said excuse me," Mckenzie repeated, louder this time, and tried more forcefully to push past them.

"Move!" she yelled, eyes blaring red and fangs out, but before she could even touch them to try and move again, she was pinned against the wall. What scared Mckenzie most was that no one was touching her. It was pure magic. The fear must have shown in her eyes because the girls smirked.

"Going somewhere?" the one to the left of the five asked.

"Yeah. Back to my dorm. Now if you'll excuse me-" She tried to move, but she couldn't. Not even an inch.

"Did you guys hear her before?" One girl asked.

"Hear what?" Another asked innocently like she didn't know the answer.

"Hear her making herself throw up?" A third said. Mckenzie's jaw dropped.

"I didn't-" When she tried to finish her sentence, no words would come out.

"Turned vampires. They're mistakes. Do you know where turned vampires come from? They happen when a vampire makes a mistake and doesn't finish the job," the first girl said. Mckenzie shook her head. That's not how it happens at all. Suddenly her head couldn't move. Nothing could move. She noticed the two other girls that hadn't said anything pointing their wands at her. They must be the ones doing the spell.

"Why was she puking then?" The second girl asked.

"Probably some stupid human reason, like she doesn't like the way she looks. Or maybe she's malfunctioning. Sometimes turned vampires malfunction and they suddenly die because they weren't supposed to exist at all. I think that's it," the first girl said.

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