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The following day included Tania running into work like a mad woman and Aryn following fairly close behind her. The idiotic manchild named Nick came in shortly after. "Tan! Tan, perfect timing, she's going to be in any minute."
"Great." She muttered before plastering a bright smile on her face as soon as a tall girl with jet black hair walked in. "Tania!" The girl spoke with an equally as strong Aussie accent as Tania's and with a even brighter grin on her face. Amanda. "Amanda! So glad to see you, doll, I missed you. How did America treat you?" Even in a frantic rush, Tania was still charming as ever. Aryn admired that, it was a lovely trait of the raven haired woman.
"Oh, it treated me like it usually would to any Aussie- like I was the new best thing. Oh look at you, Tan, you still look great as you did before I left!" Amanda hugged her new boss, and let go briefly to look over at the pastel haired girl standing to the side. "Ah, and who are you, love?"
"Oh, I'm Aryn." Aryn said with a welcoming grin, and Amanda's grin left her face. "Oh, you're American, aren't you?"
"Yeah, but I've been living here around --"
"That's great. So, Tan, where's my desk?"
Aryn and Amanda weren't going to be the best of friends, anyone could see that. Nick was already mentally imagining a cat fight ahead.

Finally, a Tania From Buzzfeed Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now