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The two were laying on Tan's living room couch when Nick called. "I swear, if he's gotten himself stuck somehow somewhere, I'm not helping him this time." Tania sighed as she answered the phone. "Tan, I hate to ruin on your free day off work with Aryn and all, but we got a little issue here." He said, he sounded a bit hushed.
"I'm not picking up anyone from jail nor do I have bail money."
"It's not that - this time but we got a lovely new coworker here and you're supposed to be here to - you know, get her 'settled in'." Nick said. Tania's eyes narrowed a bit.
"New coworker?"
"Her name is---" A shuffle of papers was heard. "Amanda. Amanda Rey." Nick confirmed the new name of Buzzfeed. Tania's eyes widened at the name. "Oh Go- I forgot, she's a old friend of mine, I offered her a job like a month ago..."

Alright, kids, you guys asked for it. A new chapter. New character is based off M_Ramirez16 - still open spots for new people and such, so if you wanna join in on this trainwreck I made- let me know.

Finally, a Tania From Buzzfeed Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now