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Word spread quickly about the son of Hypnos that could nab you the second you fell asleep. Piper had done her best to calm her cabin, then she'd snuck out the window. She left Drew in charge, under the assumption she wouldn't try anything, but it was harder to believe that now.

Luckily, Drew hadn't remained a bully forever. Most people do mature and grow up... But with her Charmspeak the son of Hypnos could've gotten her, then all of her siblings would be in danger.

Maybe, Piper sneaking out looked even worse.

Too late now. She spoke with the nymphs and Driads, they believed only demigods were being taken. The Riders took the Romans, tried to take the Hunters, and now the Greeks. Another rumor was that the son of Hypnos, was an Elite.

Juniper was sure of that one. They spoke in hushed tones on the edge of the forest, the great big Elite ship blocked their view of the camp. Piper had stayed well hidden since Frank got shot and was unconscious.

Grover joined them after Frank woke up. Chiron ran a memory test and Frank passed. Trial had discovered that the people they k we were being co trolled, such as Wave, had no memories of themselves.

So now the Elites were screening their numbers, and Chiron was trying to get the situation at the Big House under control.

All of the children were being held hostage by the children of Apollo and Ares.

To make things worse, Juniper confirmed her worst fears. The only person Grover had told about the sword, was Juniper.

That was how Leo knew to put that in his story. Because Juniper was a spy for Ruin.

Piper felt so betrayed. She understood how Drew felt about Silena in the early years. She tried to remind herself what everyone else had thought about her, a hero, but she was feeling pretty selfish. 
Maybe Juniper was convinced that she was saving the camp.

Piper wiped the sweat off her palms and tried to let her friend know she didn't hate her. But her attention was on the Saytr.

"They're not our enemies." She reasoned in tears. "Please, Grover say something."

He shook his head.

"I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't have told your secret to Ruin..."

Grover raised an eyebrow. "What secret?"

"The sword..." Piper explained slowly, but stopped in fear if being heard.

He just nodded and looked down.

"Grover..." Juniper put her hand on his shoulder. "Please... I—You haven't been the same since that meeting in the big house. Please talk to me, you know everything now."

Grover folded his arms and pulled away slightly.

Piper studied him closely. His legs were still and his expression was more neutral than angry. He had been more nervous at the meeting yesterday, only now he appeared less jumpy.

"Grover, all you alright?" She leaned in on him.

"Fine. I just, I didn't want to rat you out, at the Big House. I thought..."

He out his head back down. 

Piper released an unstable breath and changed the subject. She didn't want to intervene on their relationship problems. As a daughter of Aphrodite, it would be very condescending.

"Can we see Frank? If he's not possessed, I want to make sure he's okay."

Grover rubbed his eyes. "I don't feel like getting up right now. Too tired."

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