Part 9

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*Third person pov*

Naruto, Sai, Yamato, Sakura, Shizune and Tsunade were in the Hokage's office. 

"But we don't even know if the Intel is true," Shizune stated. 

"True," Tsunade muttered. "Why would the Akatsuki tell us somethONG like this?"  She wondered out loud. 

 "I don't know but-" Sakura started to say before a knock at the door cut her off. 

"What?" She asked harshly and annoyed. 

"You to,d us to inform you when any sand ninja got here and-" a ninja from outside the door started to say before he was cut off by the door slamming open and Tsunade running out. 

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune yelled as she ran out after her. 

"Sand ninja? Wait!" Sakura yelled. Her eyes gleamed with happiness, she looked at Naruto who looked just as confused until.... It clicked. 

"What're we waiting for?! Let's go!! Believe it!" Naruto yelled as he ran out with Sakura hot on his heels. 

"Naruto!" Yamato yelled as he chased after them leaving Sai alone. 

"I suppose I should go," Sai said. Tsunade ran to the gate followed by Shizune, followed by Naruto and Sakura followed by Yamato followed by Sai on a bird. They all stopped at the same spot and looked at the figure in the cloak who was sitting on the ground staring off into space and panted a bit. 

"Wow, I mean I expected a ruinion but," Hiroko said as she got up and turned around whole taking her cloak off. "This is a bit much." She finished with a smile and a giggle. 

"Hiroko!" Naruto yelled, he was about to hug her but Tsunade wacked him out of the way and ran to Hiroko embracing her in a hug. 

"Oof," Naruto landed on his butt and stared disbelievinly at the hokage. "S-she pushed me." Naruto stated with a shaky finger. 

"Not to be rude, but according to my book I should ask who this is." Sai said. 

"Book this book that! Shut it will ya! Believe it!" Naruto yelled. 

"Not this again," Yamato muttered. Sai looked at his book and read a couple lines. 

"But right here, it says I should ask." Sai said. "Am I wrong? . . . Dickless." Sai taunted. 

"Why you-" Naruto started to yell. 

"HAHHAHAHAHHAAH! I-i can't breathe! I haha, I can't, hahaha, oh my god *gasp*  I can't *gasp* I can't, I can't breathe!"  Hiroko laughed while falling on the floor. "Dickless, oh my god. I love you so much." 

"Hey! Hiroko, you're supposed to be on my side." Naruto whined. Hiroko got up and wiped her tears. 

"I'm sorry." She replied while hugging him. 

"Why did she hug him?" Sai asked Sakura. 

"They're best friends, it's what they do" Sakura stated.  Hiroko then went up to Sakura and hugged her. 

"Where's my little baby?" Hiroko asked with stars in her eyes. 

"I think she's at training ground 8," Sakura said. Before she could say anything else Hiroko was gone. 

"I can't believe she hugged dickless," Sai stated causing Yamato to sweat drop, Naruto to growl and Sakura to face palm. 

"Listen here you!" Naruto yelled as he got into another fight with Sai.

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