Chapter II

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Dustyn slowly turned around and found he was face...or whatever he had now, to face with a brilliant golden angelic creature. It was beautiful and looked just as he thought an angel would look like...well, minus the wings. "The churches all had their windows wrong," Dustyn noted. "Damn, I don't get any cool ass wings like Hawkman? I guess that's alright, 'cause at least it looks like I am not going to hell after all! That's cool..." No pun intended.

"Come. Follow me," the luminous being's omnipresent voice resounded through the room. It extended a slender glowing hand out in front of it and began gliding backwards toward the closed door beckoning Dustyn and the spirit of the girl to follow it.

"What is your name? Dustyn asked as the pair of spirits followed the golden entity.

"You're gonna laugh."

"We're dead. And you think your name is so bad that it will make me laugh?"

"Yep. It's Angel."

Dustyn wished he had met Angel before they had died. She was something else.


The scene outside was like a spiritual fire drill at an elementary school with all of the souls from around the hospital gathering on the front lawn by the flagpole.

Dustyn whispered to Angel, "Come on, really? We meet up at the flagpole? I didn't see this in Mathew, Mark, or John."

Angel snickered. "Silly, it was in Leviticus."

"Ah, yeah, I am not that versed in the Old Testament."

"How about you shut the hell up dickhole." Dustyn recognized the rough voice of Danny.

"That's not nice, whoever you are. You know there are three angels right over there that might hear you. I wouldn't be playing around like that before we get through those gates," Angel whispered.

"That asshat right there got me killed," replied Danny. "Was the text worth it, skippy?"

Angel became quiet. Her orb sparkled for a moment and then she spoke. "Is that true, Dustyn? Did you kill him because you were texting? Wait a second, were you...? Were you the guy that hit the semi? If you did, then that means you killed me, too!"

"I'm so sorry, both of you. I just looked down for a second..."

"How could you? I was going to start college in the fall. I had a full scholarship to the University of Alabama."

"Roll tide!" a spirit shouted from nowhere.


 When it seemed that the angels had rounded up all of the spirits roaming around the hospital, they slowly floated up into the air one at a time. Each one gesturing for the recently deceased crowd of spirits to follow them. Dustyn noticed that a couple of spirits turned around and left a trail of twinkling light behind them as they quickly re-entered the hospital. "That's probably how that poltergeist movie got its lead characters," he thought to himself. "Dumbasses."  

Following the angels to heaven was the most fantastic thing Dustyn had ever experienced. "It's like an airplane flight into the sky with no airplane and flying straight up not like an airplane, but more like a super slow rocket that is" Dustyn felt rather dumb that he couldn't think of a better analogy than that one. He shrugged off his stupidity and looked down to see the objects on the ground becoming smaller and smaller. The clouds growing closer and then they too passed below becoming more and more distant. The light blue sky was now a gradient dark blue and stars could be seen twinkling through the planet's thinning atmosphere.

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