Chapter XIV

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Azazel raised a hand, producing a flaming circle that appeared in the air above his palm. Inside this ring was an eagle surrounded by a diamond. He placed his palm to the abdomen of Angel's new body and it shuddered...


The sounds of screaming were too much for Michael. The Archangel knew this process was necessary, however, it did not make the activity any more tolerable. He strolled out into the middle of the empty warehouse and stood in silence, turning his face upward to examine his surroundings. He noticed the rumbling of distant thunder as it echoed through the warehouse and realized the torturous cries had thankfully ceased. In this new vacancy of sound, Michael suddenly noticed a light rain pattering against the rusty metal roof above, the water droplets dripping from the ceiling and splashing into the many puddles covering areas of the concrete floor. He admired the odd geometry of the broken shards of glass still clinging to several old warehouse window panes as lighting cracked through the dark sky, realizing he had never paid this much attention to all of these things before. Maybe, he had never really wanted to or worse, maybe he had been unable.

Dustyn interrupted Michael's meditation. The young man staggered from the decrepit 'torture' room used by Azazel to transmogrify the Original Souls, managed to lean back against a wall decorated with graffiti, and then slid to the floor. He opened his shirt and showed the mark burned into his chest to Michael.

"Looks like I am a demon now," Dustyn said before he passed out and fell over sideways.

Azazel emerged from the room with Angel's new body in his arms. He brought the young woman over to a dirty mattress and lay her down gently. Azazel looked over at Michael, "They will be alright, brother, this I promise."

Michael attempted to generate a smile. "I trust you, Azazel. Not because I have to, but, because I want to."


"Ohhhhh, my head," Danny said, sitting up. He placed his fingers to his temples. "Wow, I have one helluva a headache!" the truck driver exclaimed and then paused to pinch his arm. "And hey, I can feel pain in other places, too!" He glanced over at Azazel. "You did it. You brought me back to life."

In an apparent attempt to keep his distance from the Original Souls, the Watcher sat alone in a shadowy corner with his head hung down, arms draped over his knees. He slowly lifted his eyes to meet Danny's gaze. The two orbs glowed a faint red in the darkness and Danny shuddered. "You are far from alive...we discussed this Mongolian or were you not listening?"

Michael cast a look of warning towards his brother. "Azazel, you must learn to let these things go, that was a different man," he said sternly and stood up from where he had been seated with his back against a dirty wall. The Archangel walked across the warehouse to examine the awakening Original Souls.

"He does not look like it to me brother and it is the same soul. I could feel him in there as I branded him; that old warlord just beneath the surface," the Watcher retorted and then stretched. "Mark my words, one day you all will regret his presence..."

"Noted, brother," Michael replied as he helped Danny stand.

"Thanks for your vote of confidence, bud," Danny said. "Damn."

Carter slowly stirred. "Wow, what a headache and man, am I pissed about something. I feel really you Azazel, at the world, everything. I don't understand."

"Ohhh," Angel said holding her head. "Me, too, wow." The girl placed a hand up to her chest examining it for signs of life." Hey, I don't have a heartbeat," she said, looking down as she felt the mark on her solar plexus slightly below her breasts. "Ow!"

Azazel knelt down and lifted Angel's chin up so she was looking into his eyes. "That, my dear, is because you are now all my children...children of the dark. In regards to your anxious feelings, Gadreel will be able to help you redirect your anger into something more constructive, hopefully."

Dustyn moaned and then sat up, holding a strange head in his hands.. "Who hit me with a semi?"

"I did, gerbilflake."

"I fell into that one, didn't I Danny?"



Azazel and Michael spent the next three days teaching the four newly marked demons to teleport from place to place. They demonstrated slipping in and out of visibility and controlling inanimate objects with their minds.

On the third day, Dustyn felt very convinced that he and the rest of the group could get around well enough to go find the mystical-sounding Gadreel. He considered they really needed to get started on their training, and the quicker the better. He did not want to run into any more Grigori unprepared. "I think we are ready, Azazel," he said, walking up to the Watcher.

The fallen Archangel glanced down at the new face of the former King David. It was from a human male somewhere in his mid-20's with long, light brown hair and blue eyes.

Angel disappeared, then re-appeared across the room next to Carter. She patted him on his muscular, dark arm. "Yeah, I want those weapons, don't you?" she asked, looking up at the tall man.

"Damn straight," he replied with a large smile. "I'm ready to take out a few Grigori, myself!"

Carter's new body reminded Dustyn of someone that could have been a police officer or a quarterback. He was rather impressive.

"Same," Dustyn laughed, attempting not to stare at Angel in her new body, but failing. She picked one that might as well have been a supermodel in his book and it was killing him. The sight of her long black hair, pretty dark eyes, and olive skin made him nervous and in his nerdy mind, made her nearly unapproachable.

Danny stayed true-to-form and chose an Asian-American body that actually suited him perfectly. He walked over to the assembled group. "Well, what are ya'll talking about?"

"Furthering your training," Michael replied. "Do you think they are ready, brother?"

"I believe so," Azazel said. "I will reach out to Gadreel."

"Great, now we get to go and meet our demonic Mr. Myagi!" Danny said with a smile.

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