Chapter LVIII

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The chariot burst through the shimmering cloud of Grigori. Michael could now see Holok's billowy features in the distance. Shaking off a couple of Grigori that managed to grab onto his wings, he retracted them, uncovering Angel and Dustyn.

            Hundreds of Grigori diverted themselves away from the advance on Heaven and made a beeline for the chariot.

            Dustyn noticed a single unmoving Grigori floating in space ahead of the chariot. It appeared to be the Grigori commander. "This one is mine," he said, readying himself to launch from the rapidly moving Chariot.

            "Don't Dustyn. We need you with us!" Angel said, grabbing the young man by the shoulder.

            "Angel is correct," Michael said over his shoulder.

            "I'll be right back!" he said. Dustyn jumped from the back of the chariot and flew toward the Grigori better known as Attila the Hun. "I need a good fight..."


            Azazel forced himself to focus on Semyaza, ignoring the pain radiating through his body.    He grabbed the sword floating next to him and forced his wings open. Forward he flew, diving straight for Semyaza, sword extended before him, aimed at the Watcher's torso.

            This time Semyaza was too slow. He turned with the staff in his hands just in time to take Azazel's flaming sword to the shoulder.

"You are finished, Brother!" With his free hand balled into a fist, Azazel drove his left fist toward the Watcher's face.

            Semyaza lifted the staff to block the attack, however it splintered in two as the Archangel's powerful hand made contact with the weapon. "How!?!!"

            "I am no mere Watcher or Archangel, brother...I am something new, I am both!" Azazel removed his sword from Semyaza's shoulder and flew over the Watcher to gain a better vantage point for another attack. Once behind him, the Archangel pulled the sword back like a baseball bat and prepared to bring the final, fatal blow.

            Semyaza grabbed the globe on the end of the staff and closed his eyes as red energy radiated from the weapon and enveloped him.

            The Archangel's weapon streaked through space leaving a flaming trail behind it as Azazel swung, intending to strike the Watcher down once and for all. The blade traveled without resistance never finding a target. The Watcher was gone...vanished into the nothingness.


            "What the hell?" Danny shouted as the human souls bearing down on them disbanded and began drifting about space in confusion.

            "He's gone," Azazel replied, gliding in next to him.

            "Where?" Carter asked.

            "I am not sure, but I have some idea. Regardless, we need to return these human souls to the safety of Heaven," Azazel said.

            "You should take them, Az," Dante said. "I can see you're hurt and you really need to get back to Heaven or else Carter and Louisa here are going to be in a world of trouble. We have to help Michael, Dustyn, and Angel."

            Azazel nodded in understanding. "How do you plan on making it past the Grigori?"

            "With our help," Shiloh said holding his spinning energy weapon, appearing with the rest of the Cherubum behind the Archangel. "Gabriel came and got us."

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