Chapter LIV

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Micheal and Azazel cut through handfuls of Holok's golden soldiers with their flaming blades attempting to clear a path for Gabriel.

"Away from me, beasts!" the angelic messenger shouted as he swung the Sword of Wrath to his right, decimating a half dozen Grigori attackers. Using one of his wings, he smacked several more into flaming ashes.

"Up there, on the cliffs!" Azazel said and pointed at Jason. "Let us leave this fight to the Cherubum, Gabriel. The Grigori are all but finished. We need to protect the Book and make our plans to take Heaven!"

Gabriel and Michael nodded.

The three Archangels vanished from the battlefield to the confusion of the encircling Grigori.

Dante, observing his brothers' actions, glanced up at the cliff and had an idea. "Both of you, teleport up there next to him," the Watcher said and also pointed at the young shaman standing above them on the cliff.


Light burst from Dustyn's eyes and his swords appeared in his hands. He suddenly blipped from view, appearing behind the perplexed Danny and raised his swords above him, ready to remove the warlord's head from his neck.

"No, Dustyn. Don't," whispered a voice in the young man's ear. From nowhere, Angel's warm face pressed up against the angry demon's cheek and her soft hands gently wrapped themselves around his wrists, safely lowering his weapons before they could do their deadly jobs. She closed her eyes and flashed them both safely away from the Mongolian Grigori before he could be hurt or inflict any more damage on either one of them.

"Come back coward!!!"Danny cried out in anger.


"Louisa, behind you!" Carter shouted before popping two fang-bearing Grigori with his God Guns as they were about to pounce on the former Annie Oakley.

The woman ducked and flashed the sniper a toothy smile as the Grigori exploded, flickers of ashes floating around her as the two bodies disappeared into the wind. "Oh, shit!" Louisa quickly spun to her left and dispatched another golden assailant sneaking up on her followed by two more.

The gang of Cherubum, with Carter and Louisa utilizing their newly-discovered power, slashed and destroyed the retreating waves of Grigori with their energy weapons. One-by-one the dwindling Grigori horde was decimated, and although the seconds seemed like minutes, it was not long before the final Grigori were fleeing in ever increasing numbers away from the losing battle. Like rockets they streaked into the sky, attempting to escape their inevitable defeat and destruction at the hands of these powerful enemies.

Carter flashed to the top of a nearby boulder and lay prone. He produced his God Rifle and began sighting in and destroying the airborne Grigori.

Louisa flashed over to the same large rock and sat down next to the sniper. "Sup?" Louisa said with a smile. "Can't let you have all the fun at this turkey shoot..."


A cloud of dust forcefully ejected into the air next to Jason. The young man covered his face with an arm as sand coated his hair and body. He lowered a hand and found Dustyn standing in front of him with a shimmering Angel floating above like an actual textbook angel...sans wings. "Whoa..."

"How are you still here?" Dustyn asked, looking into the pretty spirit's face. "How did you get this way?"

Angel smiled. "I don't know, but what I do know is that it's Danny down there and you would never be able to forgive yourself if you destroyed him...especially when it was done out of anger and revenge. That's not what's in your heart, King David."

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