Chapter 3

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(Lacey's Pov)

Our eyes were still locked, staring deeply into each other's souls. I hadn't even realized that he had already reached the side of the bed. He cautiously sat down on the edge, only centimetres away from my body. Our stare was broken as he glanced over to the bedside table and reached over to the cup and pill.

He slowly brought them over to me gesturing for me to take it. I hesitated a bit before bringing my arm up to take the pill into my shaking palm. I looked down at the small white pill, wondering what it was. I gave the handsome man a questioning glance.

"Don't worry love; it's only a pain killer. After anyone gets changed they are woken up with awful headaches and a sore body." He said with a small smile.

This was the first time I had actually seen him smile; it was warm and had a sort of comforting feel about it. I liked this side to him. I liked it a lot.

I looked back down at the pill and popped it in my mouth. His hand rested behind my back and slowly guided me up to a sitting position, I hissed in pain.

"Sorry love." He apologised.

I nodded my head slightly in response. He gave me the cup of water and I brought the rim up to my lips. I tilted my head and the cup back slightly until cold refreshing liquid filled my mouth. I swallowed the pain killer and handed the cup back to him. He placed the cup back on the bedside table and stood up from the bed.

"I'll be back in a moment" He said.

I cleared my through in an attempt to speak, "Okay." I whispered back.

He disappeared through one of the doors.

I took the chance to look around the room; the walls were a dark blue, navy almost. The bed I was sitting on had a white comforter and was placed right in the middle. There were small tables on each side of the bed and a lamp to the left of me. A medium sized TV was placed right in front on the bed, hanging on the wall.

There were three doors in the room. One in front of the bed which was where the guy had come from, and two others on the right side of the room right next to each other. One was left slightly ajar enabling me to see a glimpse of the room. It must've been his wardrobe as there were clothes scattered on the ground of what I could see. I assumed that the other door lead to a bathroom.

The bed sank down as a hand came In contact with my own, startling me, as I didn't notice him come back in. I looked down to see that he was in fact holding my hand. I looked up and his eyes were staring into my own again.

"You can have a shower when you're ready, there is a towel and some sweats in the bathroom over there." he said while pointing to the door that I had already guessed was a bathroom.

"The sweats are mine so they will probably be quite big on you. Sorry about that, I will take you to go get your clothes once you're feeling better." He said softly.

"Thank you." I said quietly, not fully trusting my voice just yet.

He stood up from the bed again. "Here." He said offering me his hand. I looked up at him and the familiar sparks came rushing through my hand as I took his hand in mine. He put his other hand on my back for support as he slowly brought me up. Pain kept shooting through my body but I put it to the side. He pulled me off the bed with ease, leading me towards the bathroom.

I opened the door walking in. I turned around to shut the door but found him shutting the door quietly himself. I looked around the room to notice that his bathroom was massive.

He had a bath big enough for two in one corner with a big shower in the other, on the other side of the room was a toilet and a gigantic counter with a sink placed right in the middle coming off the wall. A big mirror hanged above the sink bringing me my reflection.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My hair was a bird's nest; strands of hair were poking in all different directions. My skin was pale as a ghost and I was still wearing my work uniform.

But what scared me the most was my eyes. They were blood red. Massive red dots staring back at me. I gasped again as I finally saw my bite mark. The skin surrounding them was a slight bluish purple colour. And the hole themselves were covered in dry blood. I leaned in closer to the mirror. I inspected the mark bringing my hand back up to the aligned holes on the nape of my neck.

I pulled back deciding to finally shower and get all the dirt and blood off of me. I gently peeled my uniform off of me followed by my undergarments. I turned the water on waiting for it to heat up. As steam started to flow out the shower I went to take a step in, when a voice cut me off.

"Lacey?" he called through the door.

My voice finally came back to me as I answered him, "Yeah?"

"My name's Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

I smiled to myself as I finally stepped into the shower, warm water surrounding my body. Louis I thought to myself. Louis Tomlinson it suited him well.

Before I knew it my smile had turned into a big grin.


A/N: AHHHHHHHHH I woke up this morning with 49 reads 8 votes and 4 comments! I was seriously over the moon!! Thank you so much to the people who have voted and commented! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and it wasn't too bad!

Whoevers comments on my chapters I liked the best ill give a dedication to on my 1st 2nd and 3rd chapter and my 4th when I update it!! :)

Vote if you liked it and comment what you think!!

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