Chapter 7

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(Lacey’s PoV)

 I looked up at the clock for like the hundredth time today, it read 3:35pm, another half hour gone.  I had spent the day lounging around, watching a few movies and wandering around the house a little.

I was beyond bored with nothing to do. I just wanted Louis to hurry and get home, but I’m not completely sure how it would go considering he may still be pissed off. Whatever he had to ‘take care of’, was taking a bloody long time. I sat up off of the couch walking up the stairs; I wandered into the bedroom and went into the wardrobe.

Clothes were strewn everywhere, covering the floor, I noticed that my suitcases were still lying in the middle of the room. I walked over to them unzipping the sides. I crouched down rummaging for something to wear; I still had Louis’ clothes on from yesterday. I grabbed some clean underwear, my light denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt quickly putting them on. I looked over to my other bag spotting my camera.

I hadn’t taken any pictures for a while now; I had been too busy with my job. I picked it up analysing the lens for any possible scratches. Once I realized it was all good I stood back up and walked out of the wardrobe with my camera in hand.

I threw my favourite white vans on my feet and walked down the stairs going towards the back door. I hadn’t been able to explore outside yet, I only saw the front of the house travelling in the car. I opened the wooden door, stepping onto the foot path connected to it. I gawked as I took in my surroundings, it was absolutely beautiful. There was a small pond in front of me slightly to the left, with stunning garden decorations surrounding it. There were picnic tables and chairs with lush green grass covering the ground. Flowers were in patches along the house wall, following many footpaths that were heading in all different directions.

But the sight that amazed me the most was what was behind it all. Louis had a forest in his backyard.  Tall trees towered above the grass with beams of sunlight peaking through small gaps. The brown dirt laid beneath, was covered with sticks and shrubs.

I walked on towards the small pond crouching down to one of the movie like lily pads. I switched the ‘on’ button slowly bringing the camera up to my eye, turning it sideways and gripping it tight. I angled the camera so I had the perfect view; I focused onto my target, bringing my finger to the button. I lightly pressed onto the button making sure it was fully focused; I pushed down harder capturing the picture.

 A small smile made its way onto my lips, feeling the familiar happiness of taking a photo. Photography had always let me wander away from the real world. The world that was confusing and stressful. Photography was my escape.

I stood up again pressing the display button. My photo came up on the small screen; the sunlight had managed to seek through the lens, putting a spark like shape in the corner. I smiled at the picture happy with my work. I carefully pulled my camera strap over my head letting the camera fall loosely to my side.

I walked on towards the forest; the sun was starting to come down even more, coming through the middle of the trees. I walked further into it, searching around for something else to catch my eye.

I snapped a few more pictures before coming face to face with a small meadow. It was a bare patch of fresh grass about 50 metres wide and long, covered with beautiful small flowers. I couldn’t help but admire how beautiful this place actually was, it was like I was in a fairytale. I had never imagined I would be in a place like this, let alone a vampire’s backyard.

I walked into the middle of the small meadow sitting down, crossing my legs. I let my top half fall back laying flat on the grass. I grabbed my camera turning it around so the lens was facing to me. I turned my face looking into my shoulder, I pressed down on the button hearing the small ‘click’. I didn’t bother looking at it, I knew it was probably horrible but decided I would just leave it as it was.

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