Chapter 10

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(Louis' PoV)

I can't believe this is actually fucking happening. How could I be so bloody stupid to not even check if we had enough blood supply? It's common sense to know that newborn vampires will need blood after a day or two after getting changed. Yet I didn't think. I never do.

I couldn't stand the look of Lacey. She was so weak, so fragile, skin sickly pale, as all the colour was drained from her face. She was struggling to breathe let alone talk! Her back was hunched as she stood struggling to hold her own body up, she could barely walk for god sakes!

I slammed my hands down against the steering wheel, groaning in frustration as I came to another stop. Out of all days, the traffic had to be so freaking slow today. My mind was racing as I was thinking of all of the possible things that could be going on with Lacey right now. I imagine her limp body, helplessly lying on the bed. Coughing rapidly as she just lays there, not being able to move, looking dead.

I shook my head to try and rid the horrid thoughts. I can't think like that, she's okay. But I know deep inside she's not okay, I've been in her position before, and it's one of the worst feelings ever. You can't move, can't speak, you get all dizzy, you black ou-

"Holy shit." I say under my breath in sudden realisation. Panic rushes over me as I beep the horn repeatedly. She could be unconscious, lying there, lonely. Someone could break in, I didn't even think to lock the front door; I was in too much of a hurry. I sigh in relief as the traffic starts to move again, the road starts to get quieter as I reach the other side of the city. My body shivers at the thought of someone else's hands raking up and down her body, manipulating her as she is out, cold.

I can feel my heart beat quicken, it's thumping against my chest so loud that I can practically hear it. I look down at the steering wheel to find my grip on it has increased turning my knuckles white. "Fuck!" I cuss slamming my hand against the steering wheel again. I reach over to the radio, turning the volume up in an attempt to sidetrack my mind before I crash the damn car.

I pulled into my driveway, coming to a stop as I reached my house. I pulled the keys out of the ignition; climbing out and hurrying to the boot. I grab the box of blood bags, speeding up the steps of the house. I open the door rushing to the kitchen, placing the box on the kitchen counter before grabbing two bags and heading up the stairs.

"Lacey?" I called out running up the stairs. "Lace! I'm home!" I called again.

Panic rises up again as I don't hear a sound. I barge into the room, breath hitching at the sight that played in front of me. Lacey's body lay limp on the bed, sunken into the mattress with her head resting on a small pillow; her skin much paler than before with a layer of sweat covering her body. Her lips dry and slightly opened, breathing steadily. Yet despite everything happening to her, she still looks beautiful. The way her hair is mattered out around the pillow, how soft snores flow out of her mouth. How her eyelids rest so softly and innocently on top of her eyes as her lashes cushion the skin beneath them.

My body makes it's way over to her bedside, leaning down, softly caressing her cheek. Her skin was slightly cold but still soft stating that she has only been out for a couple minutes. I gently shake her shoulders, in an attempt to wake her. Nothing. My mind travels to the time I was like this. I remembered not being able to hear or see a thing. Nothing at all. But I awoke in pleasure sucking blood out of a bag that was provided. My eyes widen at the realization.

I quickly pierce a hole with my sharp fang bringing the bag down carefully to Lacey's lips. I squeeze gently allowing a small drop to fall into her mouth. The scent of fresh blood is strong, tempting me to take it in my own hands, but I remind myself of Lacey's horrible state. She needs this.

I wait as nothing happens. My heart starts to race again. Why wasn't it working? What's going on? I was starting to panic. Without realizing it, I had already squeezed another drop into her mouth, followed by another. I waited in anticipation, staring at her in hope that her eyes would open. My eyes were burning, tears brimmed my eyes waiting to break free. I leaned down towards her ear whispering pleads.

"Please Lace." Voice breaking as my hands moved to her cheek once more. "Please, please wake up."

"I love you." I whispered, grabbing her hand in my own.

When nothing happened, no movement at all, my head fell down to the bed. Tears now flowed freely down my face, cheeks getting completely soaked as I sobbed. My body shook thinking I had lost her. I hadn't cried like this for years. Let alone crying at all. I had no reason to.

(Lacey's PoV)

I see nothing, hear nothing and feel nothing, but pleasure was roaming my taste buds. I could taste it. The familiar bitter, sweet metallic taste. Blood.

A moment later I tasted it again, the addictive liquid that I seem to love.

Tingling ignited my body, it was like a tickling sensation flowing through my whole body. I was begging to redeem touch. I could feel the cushiony surface beneath my body. Something resting in the palm of my hand.

I could hear someone's murmurs, cries. I squeezed the object in my hand, waiting for any possible reaction. The sound stopped as soon as my action was noticed. A voice came tumbling into my mind, saying something that I couldn't understand. It was all fuzzy. A voice that I recognized, a mans, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The words began to appear clearer. Ace? No, Lace? I still couldn't recognize who the voice was.

I tried replying but I could barely speak. Mumbles were the only things escaping my mouth.

Substance dropped into my mouth, the pleasuring taste filling my mouth once more. Something was placed between my lips, as blood poured out from it. I pursed my lips, connecting them to either side of the object between them. Sucking as much liquid as my addiction intensifies. The cool blood flows down my throat as I swallow it with ease, making me stronger by the second.

More feeling starts to develop through my body as my senses come alive. I force my eyes to open, but they remain closed. As more blood gets consumed, it becomes less of a struggle. My eyes become stronger as they flutter half open. Bright light peaks through my eyelashes as my eyes become stronger, fluttering open.

A blurry figure comes into view, leaning over my body. As my eyes a just to my surroundings the figure becomes clearer. The voice, the object in my hand.



A/N: Heeyyyyy!!! :) okay again a bit of a late update, I'm sorry! But with Christmas going on and family, it's just hard!

But I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas (if you celebrate it)! And thankyou to everyone who takes the time to comment! (Reading them makes me more likely to update) but thankyou for everyone who votes as well! I haven't done the dedication thing for a while so if you want one comment something nice! :)

And again thankyou for over 2k reads! I'm so overly happy !

So please vote if you liked it, and comment what you think!

-Sam :) xx

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