Chapter 8

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(Lacey's PoV)


I quickly scampered up off of the body beneath me,

"Who are you and how the hell do you know my name?" I demanded, whilst the masculine figure tried getting back on to his two feet.

"I'm Louis' friend; he called me up asking me to come help find you. He's seriously worried, when I got to him he was on the edge of the forest pacing up and down, panicking that he could've lost you." he explained, his voice deep and raspy.

I took a second to take in his appearance. His body was quite built, shoulders broad and biceps bulging through his black t-shirt. I adjusted my eyes up and came across the strong angle of his jaw, his lips were slightly plump and his cheeks were coated with a thin layer of scruff. His hair was short, resembling a sort of buzz cut, with a small quiff slicked back at the front of his head.

"Then it was you who was calling my name out not long ago!" I exclaimed more to myself than to the man.

"No, that was Louis." He said.

"Where is he then?" I said looking around, suddenly alarmed.

"Oh god, I totally forgot about him! Whoops." He said now sounding slightly panicked.

'Louis I've got her, meet me back at the house.' I heard. What was that? It was like someone was talking inside of my head? What?

"Love, it's vampire telepathy, we can talk to other vampires in our minds. Usually you can choose who you want to talk to but I was too lazy to make the conversation private." He explained.

"Wait you're a vampire?" He nodded.

"So that means I can do it?" I said, with him nodding again in response.

"Wait how do I do it?" I asked getting more and more curious about my abilities by the second.

"Just picture the vampire you want to communicate with and then think your words." He said.

I tried concentrating on the muscular man In front of me, picturing his appearance in my head. 'Hi.' I said or thought shortly, thinking of nothing to say.

'Hi.' the man's voice played in my head, chuckling after.

Now that was seriously cool. I never thought that being a vampire could be so fun.

"Trust me babe, it's not all fun and games, being a vampire does has some disadvantages," he said to me, reading my mind. "But come on, we better get back to the house before Louis starts to worry again."

I followed the man through the forest as he led me back to where I presumed the house was.

'What's taking so long Liam?' Louis' voice boomed through my head. Ah, his name was Liam.

'We're coming, we're coming.' He replied.

'Well hurry!' Louis said impatiently. Liam looked at me,

"Grab my arm." He told me holding his arm out waiting for me to link my own with it. Giving him a sceptical look, I cautiously hooked my arm with his, holding on with my other hand. As soon as I had a firm grip he flashed us through the trees, dodging them as they came left and right. With the sudden movement, wind slapped my face and the bare skin on my arms and legs. Surprisingly, at the speed we were going, I could still see perfectly clear.

Almost instantly we were back in the middle of the backyard. I let go of his arm walking up to the house with Liam following closely behind. I opened the door striding into the house, ready to find out if Louis was still upset with me.

Bloody Love (Louis Tomlinson Vampire Fan Fiction) *On hold*Where stories live. Discover now