Chapter 1

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I get out of Jimmy's red Mustang. 

"So, are you ready to see Valerie?" he asks. He zips his red jacket up and fixes his blonde curly hair. 

"Shut up, I just want to get over it," I answer. 

"Dude, I don't think you will,"

I punch his stomach and jog inside the school. We are late to Spanish class on purpose. I have Valerie in that class. I don't want to see her more than I have to. 

I open the door and hear Mr. Haynes looks at me. "Hola Mr. Nick, how are late once again."

Jimmy comes behind me. "And Mr. Royal also. Did you guys agree to be late?"

"No," Jimmy says. 

"Sit down," Mr. Haynes says. We sit and class restarts. I look back and see Valerie writing down some notes. She has a black hat on with black gloves and a white long sleeve shirt. Her brown hair is touching the desk. 

She looks up and stares at me. I quickly look away and focus on the class. 


Class ends and everyone begins to leave. Jimmy asks me to wait for him since he is goig to talk to Mr. Haynes. 

I pack my stuff and see Valerie still siting on her desk. Why doesn't she leave?

"Mr. Royal I need to be promised that you will try harder next time. I can't give an advantage because you are an athlete."

"I know sir but I just need to play this game. I also need a B on this class in order to qualify for the scholarship sir."

Mr. Haynes sighs and combs his long beard. "Fine. Mrs. Parker," he yells. Valerie jumps and stands. "Yes sir?" 

"You will get the extra credit you need if you help Jimmy out on a project. Do you agree on this term?" 

Valeria looks at Jimmy and then at me. "If Jimmy wants."

Jimmy rolls his eyes. "Sure whatever."

"Great! You will need to create a presentation on why it's important to know other languanges. Valerie will insists you but won't present."

"Okay, thanks sir." Jimmy turns to Valerie. "Meet me afterschool in the library."

She nods and Jimmy leaves. I go after him. "I guess I won't be the only one."

He stares at me, "Shut up a-hole."

I chuckle, "I feel way better now."


Valerie POV

I am waiting for Jimmy Royal to come to the library. I can't believe my extra credit will be helping him. He is a dummy in spanish. He can barely say hi. 


I see Jimmy siting in front of me. His curly hair bounces as he puts his chair foward. "Okay, so Mr. Hayne gave me this paper. It comes with instructions." I get the paper and start reading. 

"So what you think?" he asks. 

"It seems easy."

"Okay, well what do you suggest?"

I shrug, "Maybe something like a skit. Don't do a boring powepoint."

"Good idea," Jimmy nods. "Okay, well can you help me?"

"I think that's why i am here for," I say. 

"Okay well come to my house tomorrow. I have basketball practice today. Is that cool?"

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