Chapter 1: Part 1

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Moonlight stood on the very edge of a ledge to get a good view of the ocean. The sun was rising off in the distance "don't get too close to the edge Moonlight" her father warns. Whirlwind flexes his silvery wings "Wow father! It's so beautiful!" Moonlight says stepping back from the edge. Whirlwind nods his head "yes it is but also dangerous" Moonlight trots to her father's side. "How's that?" Moonlight asks swishing her white tail around. The silver stallion gazes out at the ocean seagulls and pelicans soared across the ocean heading south for the winter. "They say that the ocean has no bottom like lakes and rivers do. And there are thousands of discovered and undiscovered creatures out there that are very deadly." "Creatures like the myths of Ocean Herd?" Moonlight asks stretching out her wings. "Yes but only these creatures are not myths they are real. Which is why you should not come out here without me, for should you fall there would be no telling where you'll end up at" Whirlwind warned. He touches muzzles with his filly. Moonlight glances back out at the ocean a strange feeling came over her. She turns her full attention towards the ocean the sun's rays dancing with the swaying waves. The strange feeling felt dark and cold to Moonlight but at the same time it tried to pull her towards a place she has no knowledge of a place far far away from Ajilon. "What's wrong?" Whirlwind asks. Moonlight stayed silent for a moment then spoke "Father, are there other living things out there besides us?" "Yes there are the pegasi" "pegasi?" Moonlight blinked. Whirlwind nods his head "it's a short word for Pegasus our very, very thin bloodline of cousins" Whirlwind explains. "So why aren't we living with them?" Moonlight asks. "Because they are our enemies ... They betrayed us a very long time ago" Whirlwind lifts up his long silver horn up high and proud. "Come it's time to go check on the Herd" Whirlwind rears up and gallops off into the dense forest. Moonlight whinnies and takes off after her father. The wind flows Through her mane & tail Moonlight was only three months old and is already almost as fast as her father. The stallion's sleek body shimmered in the droplets of sunlight that were coming through the trees. His mane & tail shimmered as well making him look like an illusion. The young filly lowers her horn as she catches up with Whirlwind. Whirlwind swings his horn at Moonlight's they both clash the sound mimics that of two swords clashing. Moonlight raises her head as her father swings back around. Moonlight flares her nostrils and zips pasts her father her long legs became a blur. When she gets far enough ahead of Whirlwind she slides to a halt and rears around she flares her white wings. Whirlwind charges at Moonlight their horns clash, they begin to fence with each other. The sounds from their clashing horns echo throughout the forest. Whirlwind pushes Moonlight a bit he clashes his horn against her's even harder. He swiftly dodges Moonlight's attack. Moonlight stumbles on her hooves to the ground. As Whirlwind rears up over Moonlight she rolls over to her hooves Whirlwind slams his hooves down on the ground. "You still have a lot of training to do if you are to ever become a warrior" Whirlwind says hardly out of breath. Moonlight catches her breath she nods her head displeased but she buries that feeling down. Moonlight fallows her father through the forest and into wide open fields they stand on a hilltop to get a good view of Sky Herd. The unicorns of Sky Herd were just now waking up. Cloud Meadow flourished with no more than two hundred unicorns that was less than an army. Clouds floated down and near to the grass this happens because Sky Herd live on the very top of Ajilon Mountains. They adapted to the thin air they get. Foals played by running through the clouds they evaporate into thin air leaving the foals covered in cloud water. Moonlight stretches out her white wings "I'm going to go find mama" she says to Whirlwind. He nods his head Moonlight kicks off into the sky she soars over all of the silVery and gray unicorns as they all look up most if not all whinny their greetings to Moonlight. Moonlight replies to them with a neigh she canters in a circle as she begins to land. Moonlight lands lightly on her hooves next to a white mare with blood red wings and light pink mane tail and horn. "Hello mama" the mare picks her head up from grazing "hello dear, and how was your morning with your father?" Lovely asks. "Amazing, I got to see the ocean" Moonlight replies. She nuzzles her mother's side. She begins to nurse the warm milk from her mother. She swished her white tail around. The dark feeling crept around her again making her lose her appetite. She stops nursing and settles down in the grass. "Something wrong, dear?" Her mother asks stretching out her blood red wings. "No, I'm just a little tired is all" Moonlight replies not wanting to worry her mother. After a few minutes Moonlight doses off into a dreamless nap.

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