Chapter 7

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(Okay I'm just fixing my mistakes so there's nothing new here)

Later that night Lovely stood in the middle of her warriors. "Lovely what's the plan?" A gray stallion named Graycloud asks. Lovely raised her light pink horn up high. She had been discussing on how to escape from Mountain Herd. "The plan is we find Moonlight's cave and get her out of here" Lovely answers. There were only about fifty warriors left in Sky Herd and they all seemed ready to take on another battle with no fears. Lovely was proud of them. "We also need to find the rest of Sky Herd" Lovely adds. So the plan was set in motion there were no guards at this time. Lovely peers out of the cave first. She spots the stallion that was with Moonlight earlier from across the steep cliffs. But there were guards perched on high and low cliffs. 'What now?' Lovely thought grimly. "Don't worry we got this" Bluesky says rounding up a few of the warriors herself. They kick off into the night sky without Lovely's command. "Wait!" Lovely whispers loudly. But it was too late the warriors split up and swiftly take out the guards before Lovely could even blink. Unicorns were known to be much faster than pegasi. Lovely took her opportunity and soared quickly to the other side to where the stallion that was with Moonlight was. The brown stallion backs away from her "what are you doing?" He asks in a loud whisper. "Freeing my daughter, where is she!?" Lovely demands. The stallion nods his head inside the cave "but .... She can't fly" he mentions. Lovely trots inside the dark cave to find her filly sleeping soundly. Her wings were missing their flight feathers and were mangled as if broken. Lovely nudges her daughter with her snout. Moonlight rose her head up blinking the sleepiness out of her eyes. Her eyes went wide when she say Lovely "mama!?" She says staggering to her hooves. "Shhh dear, come with me" Lovely says. But before she could turn around Moonlight snuggles into her chest tears streaming down her eyes. Where they fell yellow flowers popped out of even the stone floor. "Oh, mama I've missed you so much" Moonlight cries. Lovely's eyes teared up she's been so caught up in saving Moonlight that she completely forgot that it's been a whole moon since she's even seen her filly. Lovely places her neck gently over Moonlight's. She never even got to properly wean Moonlight. "I'm sorry this has happened, my little filly" Lovely says softly. Lovely backs away from Moonlight "okay we have to go now" Lovely says. "Go? Go where?" Moonlight asks. Lovely trots towards the mouth of the cave "I-I don't know yet just stay close" Lovely says. "But I can't fly" Moonlight points out. Lovely looks at her filly she could tell she had been through a lot. Part of her mane and tail were missing. "Ah, I know!" Moonlight says she gallops to the edge of the cave where the brown stallion was. She walks straight up to him without any fears. "Shadowstone, do you think you could help us?" Moonlight asks. Shadowstone laid his ears back "are you crazy! Moonlight my father would have me head if I helped you" he snaps. "You could just come with us" Moonlight pleaded. "No Moonlight, but ....." Shadowstone sighs "alright I know of a mountain pass that leads down to the vein you'll have to decide where to go from then on" Shadowstone says. Moonlight lowers her head as if sad that her new friend wouldn't be coming with them. Bluesky lands suddenly at the cave entrance "I've found the Herd but ..... I can't find the foals!" Bluesky says shaking one of the captured foals happens to be her's. "Don't worry Bluesky, well find them" Lovely assures her. Bluesky looks up towards the sky clouds moved out of the wake of the White Star. It shines down on her brightening her sleek and slim body. "No" she says softly. Bluesky turns to Lovely "go keep the white foal safe from the pegasi, I will find the foals" Bluesky says calming herself. Lovely walks up to her they both cross their horns against each other's. It was a sign of respect and good luck in the unicorns' language. Shadowstone nods his head towards Moonlight "alright let's go" he whispers.

And so Lovely & Moonlight fallow Shadowstone down the mountain pass. There were trees here trees there. A horned owl flies over Moonlight's head spooking her. It lands in the trees with a dead rat for dinner she assumed in it's talons. Lovely stops when Shadowstone stops up ahead was the vein "well this is where we say goodbye" Shadowstone says. Tears filled Moonlight's eyes she nudges his shoulder "goodbye Shadowstone, and than you for everything" Moonlight sobs quietly. Shadowstone backs away from Moonlight and gallops a great distance away. He stops at the top of the rocky hill "be strong Moonlight!" He calls before kicking off into the night sky. The White Star shinning off of his brown body. Lovely takes the lead if the rest of their journey it was about an hour or so later when Moonlight finally collapses to the even terrain floor of the vein. Lovely was exhausted as well but there was no shelter for them to hide in. The White Star gets covered up by dark rain clouds. "Moonlight, I'm sorry but we can't rest here" Lovely nudges her filly up to her hooves. "There they are!" A voice shouts from the sky. Lovely looks up to see five pegasi scouts. "Moonlight, run!" Lovely neighs they both gallop off. The Mountain Herd scouts chase after them through the sky. Rain began to sprinkle from the dark clouds, one of them dives down at them Lovely pins her ears and jumps up into the air right when the stallion got close enough Lovely kicks the stallion right in his head with her back hooves. He tumbles to the ground out cold. Leaving only four scouts, up ahead of them were green lands. Lovely and Moonlight head for them 'maybe there's a forest' Lovely hoped. Their hooves hit grass ahead of them was a Meadow and to their left was ..... A forest! Lovely nudges Moonlight in the direction of the forest hoping to load the scouts in there. Moonlight suddenly gets snatched by one of the stallions he soars back up around "Moonlight!" Lovely cries. She flares her blood red wings and takes off after them. Lovely flaps her wings as hard as she could to catch up with the stallion that had Moonlight. The stallion makes a sharp turn to the left he heads over towards the tree tops. In the center of this forest was a massive tree that stood taller than all of the others. The stallion hovers over the massive tree and tosses Moonlight onto one of it's thick branches. Moonlight struggled to get her footing on the tree branch. She Scotches away from the edges and lays against the base of the tree. Lovely hits the stallion in the head with her front hoof. As he falls the other two slice Lovely's back open with their sharp hooves one grabs her by her mane Lovely struggled to bite and kick them. The one that had her by her light pink mane suddenly slings her into the side of the massive tree. Her back instantly broke against the impact. Everything was going dark for Lovely at this point. The last thing she say was Moonlight, the last thing she heard was her filly scream her name. She didn't even feel her body hit the ground not could she feel the rain that was now pouring down from the sky. Her vision faded into darkness as she took her last breath meaning the end of her life.

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