Chapter 12

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All of Sun Herd steeds grew restless when nightfall came. The air became even colder than before. Moonlight wanted to go to sleep but she could sleep knowing her friend was in Mountain Herd territory. She looks up to the White Star that was flickering faster than her heart beat. In five months Moonlight would receive it's power. She decides to go find Golden who wasn't in the Herd. She travels to Big Sky Lake where Golden was standing on the shoreline of the frozen lake. "What are you doing here?" She asks walking to his side. Golden places his muzzle into her mane. "I'm just thinking" he replies. Moonlight swivels her ears when the sound of wing beats fill them. The sounds of whinnies erupts from the Meadow. Golden and Moonlight look at each other. They gallop to Sky Meadow to find pegasi fighting. Colorful feathers scattered across the ground. Golden bares his teeth his hooves begin to glow silver "Mountain Herd!" He says in an angered tone. Moonlight grabs him by some strains of his mane before he could take off. "Golden no!" She says in a worrisome tone. He pins his ears at her "Moonlight I have to, this is my Herd too" he snaps. Moonlight bares her teeth "Golden, you can't use the Starfire to fight. It's to dangerous!" Two Mountain Herd steeds land before the foals. As the fighting raged on behind them "well if it isn't the white foal" one says in a cocky tone. Golden rears up at them he slices one of the stallions' chest open with his front hooves. The stallion rears up and bites Golden right under his neck he slams him down into the snowy ground. As the stallion rears up to make the final blow Moonlight charges into him goring him right in his chest. The stallion goes limp and falls to the ground leaving Moonlight stunned, she narrows her eyes at the other stallion. He backs away from them and kicks off into the sky. Moonlight turns to Golden "are you okay?" She asks. Golden staggers to his hooves blood dripping down his neck. He touches snouts with her before kicking off into the sky "Golden wait!" She whinnies. She kicks off after him Golden turns to her flaring his black wings "go hide!" He shouts. Moonlight shakes her head "no, I can fight too!" She says baring her teeth. Golden and Moonlight go into the heart of the battle. They knock out as many Mountain Herd steeds as possible. Moonlight happens to spot Violet who was surrounded by two steeds. She lowers her horn and dives forward she collides with one of them. Their wings stick together as they tumble head over tail into the trees. The branches snap and break as they hit the ground Moonlight feels a sharp pain shoot through her front left leg. She squeals in pain when she tries to get up as the battle-mare does. She shakes herself off and turns her attention to Moonlight. The mare was brown but she had stripes marked on her body. She flares her olive green wings as she bares her teeth "you're ... From Jungle Herd!" Moonlight exclaims. "Yes I am" the mare says fiercely. Moonlight's eyes widen "but unlike Mountain Herd we are not going to capture you" she adds. Moonlight flutters her now mangled wings. "What are you going to do with me?" She asks hesitantly. "We are going to kill you to keep Earthquake from starting anymore ridiculous wars like this one!" She answers. Moonlight snaps her jaws at the mare when she gets too close to her. Two more Jungle Herd steeds land behind the battle-mare. Moonlight struggles to fight them when they grab her wings she bites one of them on his snout. That's when the stallion becomes fearious and everything goes black for Moonlight.

Golden shakes off the weariness he felt when he realized Moonlight was nowhere in sight of the raging battle. 'Maybe she went to go hide?' "Golden!" Violet his mother neighs. Golden rushes down to her she was laying on her side on the ground. "Mother are you okay?" He asks. She was bleeding down her neck and side. Golden lashes his tail he calms himself and calls upon the gold Starfire, the golden Starfire brightens his gold body up making it shine. His hooves and eyes glow gold as he opens his jaws and douses his mother in the golden light. Her fast breaths eased to a slow and normal pace. Her wounds closed up Golden then closed his jaws and let's the Starfire slimmer down inside of him. Violet stands up with a worrisome look in her violet eyes which they shared. "Golden, Moonlight's hurt too" she says. Golden's heart beat quickened "where is she?" He asks. Violet points her wingtip towards the forest. Golden kicks off into the sky. He scans the forest for Moonlight and quickly spots Jungle Herd steeds carrying her Golden dives down at them. One of them spots him and turns to towards him to engage. "Let her go!" He demands hovering over them. "No, this is for the good of the five herds!" The battle-mare protests. Moonlight was suddenly dropped by the two steeds into Big Sky Lake. The ice shattered under her as she sinks into the lake. "Moonlight!" Golden cries. The silver Starfire erupts out of him. He douses all three of the Jungle Herd steeds in the deadly fire. The steeds screech as their flesh burns off of them they head down to the snow but it was too late for them now.

(Okay so here is the real Chapter 12 I know I changed it from the one I published but ya know I decided to do something else. So enjoy)

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