Chapter 4: Part 2: ANOK

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Okay so the drawing above is mine. This is Earthquake and well your about to find out who he is

Moonlight and Sky Herd were miserable on a small island Earthwing decided to land on. Moonlight and Lovely were put together under guard. "Come on dear, you haven't nursed in days. You have to eat something" Lovely says to her filly. But Every time she saw the ocean water all she could think of was her father falling into the water. He hasn't come ever since apparently. Moonlight lowers her head "I'm not hungry" she says quietly. Lovely places her blood red wing over Moonlight she nudges her filly softly. "I know it's hard to let go of those you love but ... Whirlwind died to protect you .... Remember that" Lovely whispers. "But mama it's my fault that father is dead. If I'd just stayed hidden like he asked We .... Would be here" Moonlight stares down at her hooves. The sand was soft white and warm. "That's not true Moonlight, Earthqua-I mean ... Earthwing would have probably killed everyone if you hadn't came out. You put yourself before the Herd Moonlight and I'm sure your father was very proud of you" Lovely says with confidence. The few stallions that were guarding them began laughing. Lovely pins her ears at them "what's so funny?" She demands. The captain of the group was a stone white stallion. He shakes his head "I don't what's more amusing, the fact that you won't accept defeat or the fact that you are filled with worthless hope" Ashstone nickers. "Hope is all we need, you don't have any because you have been over powered by your own kind" Lovely spat at them. Ashstone glared at her but said nothing.

Earthwing lead them across the Great Sea for the rest of the day and through most of the night. They travel over a moon until they touch the sandy beaches of the Coast of Anok. Earthwing decided to rest the group on the beach for the night. Moonlight finally began to nurse from her mother. In another moon she would be weaned, they were stuck in a dark cave. Moonlight's only fear was the dark. Moonlight snuggled closely up to her mother. Lovely was exhausted she hasn't slept in days the anxiety from being away from Sky Herd who were out on the beach. And the death of her mate. 'I have to get Moonlight away from these pegasi' she thought. She looks over at her now sleeping filly. Lovely sighed 'there's probably no telling what other dangers my filly will go through with her being a white foal .... And yet I fear I will not be around long enough to be there for her' Lovely thought for the whole night on how to free Moonlight from the clutches of these pegasi. When the sun rose above the ocean is when Earthwing moved the Herd again, they fly over a vein and canyons 'the canyons' Lovely thought. She studied every area of land she could until they got to a rocky area. Two of Mountain Herd's steeds suddenly grab Moonlight she whynnies for her mother. Lovely charges at them two more seize her she bites and kicks at them. The two that had Moonlight fly away with her. "MAMA!" Moonlight cries as she squirms she manages to tear her wings free of the two steeds. "Moonlight! Run!" Lovely shouts. But Moonlight did not listen she flew straight to her mother. But as Moonlight got close to Lovely Earthwing flies in between them. Without thinking twice he kicks Moonlight out cold with his back hooves. "Moonlight!" Lovely cries as her filly goes limp the same two stallions catch her. "Don't let her go again!" Earthwing snorts.

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