Chapter 3

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Okay so the drawing above is mine. This is Earthquake and well your about to find out who he is

Wingbeats fill the air as the foreigners soar far above Moonlight's head. She only got a glimpse of one and he appeared to look like a unicorn. 'Unicorns? Is that what they are?' Moonlight pondered. She sat in the thicket for a moment then got up regretting that she's disobeying her father for the second time today. Moonlight finds another good hiding spot in some bushes that had a great view of Cloud Meadow. As the unicorn looking foreigners land in front of Whirlwind with Lovely at his side. Moonlight counted over fifty of the foreigners already as they settled down. They looked mean their bodies were muscled up hooves seemed recently sharpened. But Moonlight quickly noticed something odd about these strange unicorns. They had no horn! Moonlight has never seen a unicorn without a horn before. The group of mostly brown and some gray as stone foreigners stretched out across Cloud Meadow. The Warriors of Sky Herd watched them closely very closely. Moonlight could tell that her father was furious with these outsiders by the lashing of his silvery sleek tail. What appeared to be the leader of the group trots in front of Whirlwind and Lovely. The brown stallion looked intimating to Moonlight. His body was all scared up his black mane & tail were mangled along with his black wings. Why he would fit that of a war horse if he was a horse. The stallion was more muscular than Whirlwind. But that didn't seem to intimate the Over-stallion of Sky Herd. Whirlwind boldly bares his teeth and pins his ears at this stallion. "What do you want? Earthquake Over-stallion of Mountain Herd" "It's Earthwing to you unicorn!" Snaps a stone gray stallion. He appeared to be a captain, The tall stallion known as Earthquake or Earthwing grumbles at the stone white stallion. Whirlwind stamps his hoof "I do not care, adding a wing to the end of your name does not make you mightier than me Whirlwind snorts. All of Sky Herd gathered around to watch and listen to their Over-stallion. Everything was still it seemed there was no breeze no birds chirping nothing except tension and the distant sound of the ocean waves. Earthquake held his head up high and mighty "I must know, is it true that you posses a foal that is known as a white foal?" Earthquake asks loud and clear. Whirlwind snorts stunned that a pegasi would ask such a question. "What? Why in the world would a Pegasus want to know that?" Whirlwind asks. Earthquake pins his ears "I came here to do the questioning not answering" Earthquake snaps. "Right but I am not going to answer such a question without the purpose" Earthquake seemed frustrated. He takes in a deep breath "very well" he says smoothly. He lashes his long mangled tail, "Four years ago a pegasi named Thunderblaze gave birth to a new black foal. One that is just as strong if not stronger than the legendary Midnight" Earthquake flicks his ear. "We tried to convince the mare to kill him the moment he was born but... She did not so, neither did his Guardian Herd Sun Herd. Now he has killed the past Over-stallion and is now over at least half of Anok's pegasi" fear crept into Moonlight's heart. "And what of your herd?" Whirlwind says eyeing his Herd suspiciously. "Well, we haven't had much contact with him. We simply came here in search of aid" Whirlwind suddenly flares his silvery wings in fury. "Do not speak to us about aid!" He neighs. Sky Herd steeds paw the ground and rattle their feathers. Whirlwind lifts his head indicating to his Herd to quiet down. And so they did, Whirlwind was silent for a long moment "there is no white foal here" he finally speaks. Earthquake stamps his hoof hard on the ground. "Do not play dumb with me, unicorn! I know you have one it's just a matter of where?" Earthquake began scanning Cloud Meadow for Moonlight. Moonlight's heart stopped when he looks in her direction. 'Please don't see me please don't me' Moonlight thought. She stayed as still a she possibly could. "Where is she?" The stallion demands narrowing his eyes at Whirlwind. Whirlwind stood in front of Earthquake with no fear of him. "Tell me where she is!?" The stallion bares his teeth at Whirlwind. When Whirlwind did not speak Earthquake's steeds suddenly charged at Sky Herd. Feathers exploded everywhere as they collided. Whirlwind neighs for his Warriors they take off after the pegasi steeds. Furious Whirlwind gores Earthquake right in his right shoulder. Earthquake neighs in pain, two of his steeds grabs Whirlwind by his wings in their teeth. They pull him away from Earthquake. Whirlwind bucks and kicks but they force him down to his knees. He shrieks in pain as the two steeds apply pressure to his shoulders. Lovely neighed franticly wanting to get to her mate. But she was held back by multiple pegasi steeds. Deaths were already happening most of Sky Herd Warriors have fallen. They were not strong enough to take on these powerful steeds. A group of pegasi rounded up most of the he foals. Earthquake steps on Whirlwind's neck "WHERE IS THE WHITE FOAL!" He demanded. "I'm right here!" Everything seemed to pause as Moonlight emerges out of the forest. Tears streaming down her face and where they fall up came yellow flowers from the ground. All of the fighting stopped, "Moonlight, no!" Bluesky neighs. Earthquake approaches Moonlight. She trembled as she looks up at him, his shoulder had a deep gash in it. Blood oozed out quickly down his shoulder. "Have you hearken onto me?" Earthquake asks. Moonlight was furious and scared at the same time. "If you let my Herd go .... I will .... Go with you" Whirlwind eyes widened. "Moonlight please. You don't have to do that!" He cries. Earthquake perked his ears as if pleased. "Very well" he says. He calls for two of his steeds and they approached Moonlight. Moonlight backs away as she notices that the steeds haven't backed away or showed any signs of letting Whirlwind or Lovely go. Along with the rest of the herd. Moonlight turned and ran as fast as her thundering hooves would allow, the two steeds chase after her. Moonlight gets cornered at the ledge she slides to a halt. Moonlight looked down wide eyed the only thing that would catch her fall would be sharp black rocks or the bottomless ocean. The two pegasi stallions grab Moonlight by her wings. Moonlight squeals as she tries to bite and kick her captors. But it was no use Moonlight was too small compared to these full grown stallions. They lift off into the sky and were going towards the ocean. 'WHAT! ARE THEY CRAZY!' Moonlight thought. The ocean was no way below her hooves. An war piercing neigh erupts from the forest. Moonlight knew it was her father. Whirlwind had broken free of his captors. He launches himself off of the ledge "let her go!" He neighs. One of the pegasi let's go of Moonlight's wing and faces Whirlwind, Whirlwind puts forth his front hooves and smashes them into the pegasi's chest. The impact sounded like thunder, the pegasi goes limp and falls out off the sky. His body splashes into the ocean below. Whirlwind charges at the other steed "Father look out!" Moonlight neighs. Whirlwind turns to only see a hard hoof to his head. Moonlight was horrified as her father's body goes limp and falls into the ocean. "FATHER! NO!" Moonlight squeals. Tears stream down her white cheeks, hovering before her now was Earthquake .... Or Earthwing now since he was the one who hit Whirlwind. He raised his head pleased. "I am your Over-stallion now" Earthwing says to Moonlight. Moonlight bares her teeth at him "You will never rule us!" She snaps. Earthwing nickers amused at Moonlight's words. All of his steeds swarm around them with Sky Herd in their clutches. They were just as frightened as Moonlight was. What will become of her and her Herd now? What did Earthwing have in store for them? Moonlight dreaded the long journey they had ahead of them.

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