Chapter 5

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Moonlight awoke in a dark cave "Mama!" She cries as she jumps to her hooves. But sharp pain shoots through her shoulders she whinnies in pain. When she looks at her wings she was horrified. Moonlight's white wings were striped of their flight feathers and they felt broken. "Hey, come on take it easy white foal" a voice says softly. When Moonlight looks she bares her teeth standing before her was a spitting image of Earthwing. "Get away!" She yells. The stallion lowers his head but does not move "it's okay I'm not going to hurt you" he says in a low tone. Moonlight blinks at him stunned as she gets a better view of him he had a white blanket splotches near his tail and his body was not scared up his black wings were tipped with stone gray. "Wh-who are you?" Moonlight asks. The stallion lays his ears back "I am Shadowstone Colt of .... Earthwing and brother to Ashstone" he answers not seeming too happy about it. "Your sire is Earthquake?" Shadowstone stomps his hoof on the hard stone floor "Shhhh! It Earthwing, Earthwing!" He snaps. "Okay okay Earthwing, your sire is Earthwing" Moonlight says. "Yes, sorry about that .... So what's your name?" Shadowstone asks. "Moonlight, my sire was Whirlwind ..." Tears began to form in Moonlight's eyes. A thud startles them when they look it was Ashstone Shadowstone's brother. The white stallion stood at the mouth of the cave "come, Earthwing will see you now" Ashstone says rolling his blue eyes. Shadowstone nudges Moonlight forward when she doesn't move. "Do as your told" Shadowstone whispers.  Moonlight slowly approaches Ashstone. Her wings dragged on the ground behind her sunlight blinds her as she walks out of the cave. Moonlight looks down the ledge to see a large Herd of pegasi grazing but they appeared to not be getting enough. On most of the steeds their ribs showed the foals were too boney and look very weak. "Come on! There will be plenty of time for sight  seeing  after you speak with my father!" Ashstone snaps. He flares his purple wings Moonlight fallows him down to a larger cave. On the way there she did not see her mother or the rest of Sky Herd. Moonlight raised her head up as they walk into the cave. "The white foal is awake now, father" Ashstone says tucking in his purple wings he waits patiently as Earthwing approaches them. Moonlight pins her ears "good, you may wait outside until we are finished" Earthwing says to Ashstone. Ashstone nods his head and walks outside his hooves going 'click clack, click clack' on the stone floor. Earthwing arches his neck proudly "now, here's what's going to happen. I will keep you under guard until your birthday and the White Star gives it's powers to you, you will then face the black foal and rid us of him" Earthwing says. Moonlight didn't believe it would be that simple. Earthwing stomps his hoof on the stone floor. "And if you should try to escape us or even fail your mother and your Herd will be slaughtered on the spot!" He bares his teeth at Moonlight. "Do we have a deal?" Earthwing perks his ears. 'DON'T TAKE IT! MOONLIGHT, IT'S A TRAP!' Whitestar screams from the depths of Moonlight's mind. Moonlight flicks her tail "I ... Uh ... I want time to think about it" Moonlight says. Earthwing didn't seem angered by Moonlight's request "very well, you can think on it from now to your birthday. But remember betray us and your Herd's blood will be on your wings" he says coldly.

Guardian Herd: Dawn of The White FoalWhere stories live. Discover now