Chapter 8

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"MAMA!" Moonlight cries. She jumps from tree branch to tree branch until her hooves touch the wet grass. She gallops to her mother's side, Lovely laid on her side lifeless. Moonlight lays her head on her mother's neck and sobs. The two remaining scouts land behind Moonlight. "You're coming with us!" One of them says as they approached her. Thunder booms across the sky when an Over-stallion battle cry pierced the sky. Moonlight whirls around to only find the scouts get slaughtered by more pegasi. Frightened Moonlight turns and gallops off into the forest, her hooves hitting the ground in rhythms even in the mud. She finds herself out in the open again when she gallops into a meadow. She slides to a halt when pegasi surround her a whole Herd it seemed. Moonlight prances around in a small circle as fear makes her wide eyed. An even darker shadow casts over their heads as black feathers rain down around Moonlight. 'EARTHWING!' Moonlight trembled in fear. The group of pegasi make room for him as a massive dark stallion walks through the group. When he stops in front of Moonlight she realizes that he was not Earthwing nor a dark stallion. This stallion was solid black, Moonlight hunkers down before him. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, the black stallion arches his neck proudly "I am sorry for your loss" he says. He then turns around and goes back the way he came "come" he says looking back at Moonlight. Moonlight takes a few wobbly steps before hitting the muddy ground. She faints the only thing she remembers before doing so was all of the strange faces that stared down at her.

Moonlight awoke to the bright sunlight in her eyes. When she opens her eyes everything was blurry she raises up slowly she suddenly noticed that her shoulders didn't hurt anymore. 'Am I dead?' She thought to herself. 'No you are not, thankfully' Whitestar answers from her mind. Moonlight shakes her head and blinks out the blur in her eyes. When her vision came into view she was amazed at what she saw. She was in a huge Meadow with a lot of pegasi grazing in it. "Oh good, you're awake" says a soft voice. When Moonlight looks she sees a brown paint mare with light Violet colored wings. Moonlight staggers to her hooves she still felt exhausted. "Who are you?" Moonlight asks. The mare holds her head up high "I am Violet, lead-mare of Star Herd" the mare answers. "Sun .... Herd?" Moonlight tilts her head. "Oh yes, that's the name of the Herd you're currently in" Violet explains. 'The black foal ...... Attacked this Herd before ....' Moonlight trembled. "Hey, what's wrong?" Violet asks walking up closer to Moonlight. Moonlight backed away from her she suddenly flares her flight featherless wings. Moonlight looked at her wings "My wings!" She exclaims. "Yes, Storm healed them for you" Violet says looking over Moonlight. Moonlight turns to find the black foal! He prances up to them. His long black silky tail up he flares his huge black wings. The stallion was several hands higher than Whirlwind Moonlight looks up at him. "I am Storm, the black foal of Anok, as well as the Over-stallion of Sun Herd" Storm says nodding. The sun shined down on his black sleek body be had a hint of a blue hue to him showing that be was a true black stallion. "I-I'm Moonlight" Moonlight stutters. Storm perks his ears "well Moonlight, you are safe here. You will stay under my guard" Storm says. For most of that day Moonlight ended up fallowing Storm around on hoof. She got to see most of the Herd who didn't seem to like her very much. They were leery of her. Storm leads Moonlight down to a huge lake known as Big Sky Lake. Moonlight dunks her muzzle into the cool clear lake. Storm does the same, "So how did you get into our lands?" Storm asks. Moonlight looks up at him "what do you mean?" Storm shakes his forelock out of his eyes. "I mean how is a unicorn in Anok?" Storm asks more clearly. "I was kidnapped!" Moonlight stamps her hoof on the sandy ground. Storm flicks his tail. A group of foals suddenly gallop into the water making large splashes in the water. Storm holds his wing up to protect his eyes from the sprayed water. "Humph, foals" he mutters but one foal hadn't gotten into the lake yet. "Don't start without me!" He shouts at the group of foals. The colt gallops up to Storm and Moonlight, the colt was a golden palomino with a white star on his forehead. His mane and tail were white with black highlights in them. He was taller than Moinlight even thou they were the same age. "Hello, I'm Golden would you care to join us in a game of water tag?" Golden asks in a polite tone. He spreads out his black wings as he dances in place Moonlight looks back at Storm. "Golden it's winter is almost here, aren't you afraid of getting sick?" Storm asks. "Naaa, I'm fine father" Moonlight jumps "what he's your father!" Moonlight exclaims. Golden blinks at her funny "oh right you're new here ....." Golden raises his head up high. "Yep, so do you want to join us or not?" Moonlight shifts uncomfortable "well ..... I would ..... If I could swim" she lowers her head. Golden seemed disappointed "oh okay" he says in sadness. "Well see you later" he says before galloping off into the water. 'See you later?' Storm shakes his head. Moonlight fallow Storm out into Sky Meadow to graze.
Although Moonlight only pulled a few strains of grass here and there she nosed past most of it. She glances over at Storm she picks up her head suddenly realizing something "hey, how come you don't call yourself Stormwing?" Storm snorts pinning his ears. "Because Storm is the name my mother gave me, I am different from these pegasi so I prefer to stay that way" he answers. "Wow cool" Moonlight says Storm perks his ears at her as if surprised at her words. Moonlight shakes her head embarrassed 'can I trust Storm?' She asks herself. 'I'm not sure ....' Whitestar answers Moonlight almost forgot about her. It was always weird to her when Whitestar would answer her questions. Moonlight's mood changed when she remembers last night's events. She lowers her head again but just noses around in the grass. Her ears droop back within two moons Moonlight has lost both her sire and dam. And possibly the rest of her herd. Moonlight swishes what was left of her tail around. 'What do I do now?' Moonlight asks herself. She lays down in the grass, without even realizing it she doses off to sleep. In her dream she was still in Sky Meadow but the sun was brighter. Standing before her was Whitestar only she was not a spirit she was a solid white mare with gold wing tips. "Whitestar you're not a spirit" Moonlight says standing up. 'Yes, it is time we talked' Whitestar still talked to Moonlight through her mind. 'You must stay leery of the black foal, he posses great power inside of him the Starfire could overwhelm him again' she warns. Moonlight lowers her head "but what am I suppose to now? I have no parents no home or ..... Herd" Whitestar crosses her gold horn against Moonlight's silver horn. 'You must move on from your heartache' Moonlight could feel her comfort warming up her entire body.

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