Chapter 6

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It has been a moon since Earthwing attacked and captured Sky Herd. Moonlight was now a weanling and could finally graze. But she was miserable here in Mountain Herd. The foals bullied her they hardly ever left her alone when she would try to graze. They've went as far as pulling out her hair until she whirled around and kicked one of them. Be even still they harassed her the only adult pegasi that would stop the fighting was Shadowstone. Moonlight grew a liking to him he always tried to protect her from the other foals and adults. One night Shadowstone laid next to Moonlight he was the assigned guard for her along with Ashstone who wasn't that bad either. He makes Moonlight defend herself so she would become stronger. "So who is the black foal?" Moonlight asks. Shadowstone looks at her "the black foal is the destroyer, he's dangerous and heartless .... So I've been told. But I don't truly believe it" Shadowstone says in a whisper. Moonlight was baffled "what? Why  not I mean he has attack the pegasi before right?" Moonlight says. "He attacked Sun Herd his Guardian Herd not us" Shadowstone points out. "Half of the Pegasus in Anok are fallowing him now because they believe that he can bring the Herd's together not destroy them" Shadowstone replies strongly. "So why haven't you joined them?" "Because I'm still unsure if I should. I mean Ashstone would hate me if I left him alone" Shadowstone lays his ears back and sighs. "But couldn't Ashstone just go with you?" Shadowstone shakes his head. "No" he sighs "unfortunately my brother thinks differently than me" Shadowstone lays his head down on the stone floor and doses off to sleep.

The next morning Shadowstone & Moonlight get woken up by the sound of  whinnies from the Herd. They both gallop the the mouth of the cave. Outside Mountain Herd steeds were rattling their feathers at the strange presence of foreign pegasi. There were no more than three of them as they land in the center of the grazing lands. The leader of the group look very different from any of the other pegasi Moonlight's ever seen. He was white and had black stripes all across his body like a zebra his mane and tail were black and white. His wings were a dark Violet. "Who is that?" Moonlight asks. "Bloodwing Over-stallion of Jungle Herd, otherwise known as Bloodstripe" Shadowstone answers. 'Bloodstripe' Moonlight ponders. The other two Jungle Herd steeds were brown one with olive green wings and the other with light green wings. They too had stripes on them. Earthwing casts a shadow over them he canters around them and finally lands in front of Bloodstripe. "Why have you come to our territory? Old friend" he asks seeming to embrace Bloodstripe's presence. Bloodstripe stands there glancing around Moonlight steps behind Shadowstone nervous 'what if he wants me too' she thought nervously. "I have heard things ... Tell me is it true that you have found the legendary white foal?" Bloodstripe asks. "Why yes, all of Anok will be saved now" Earthwing says with confidence. Bloodstripe swishes his tail around "may I see her?" "Of course she's right up there" Earthwing replies nodding his head up towards the cave. Bloodstripe glides up to the cave landing perfectly at the mouth of the cave. Moonlight trembled behind Shadowstone. Bloodstripe seemed displeased at the sight of her he pins his ears. Earthwing glides up beside him. "Why have you allowed harm to her!?" Bloodstripe snaps. Earthwing blinks at him "what happened to her?" Bloodstripe asks Shadowstone. "Uh ... The other foals bullied her" he answers. Bloodstripe stomps his hoof on the ground " no, force isn't the answer Earthquake, haven't you learned that from Midnight! We need to gain her trust not make her hate us" Bloodstripe bares his teeth. Bloodstripe walks to the edge of the cave "I will whatever's necessary to get rid of the black foal!" Earthwing snorts. Bloodstripe spreads his Violet wings "your arrogance will be our downfall and I will not be there this time for aid!" Bloodstripe snaps before kicking off into the sky his two steeds fallow him.

Later that day Shadowstone lead Moonlight to a small lake. The small breeze was cold. Winter was almost near. Moonlight was still in pain from her broken wings. Shadowstone took pity on her "okay fallow me" he says after the get their fill of water. The sun was setting a bit earlier than usual due to winter. He takes her to a group of pegasi that have been cut off from the Herd. Most were old others duds, they surround Moonlight as if amazed at the sight of her. "Wow the white foal really does exist" one says. Moonlight looks into their eyes and saw broken spirits. 'There's probably no telling what Earthwing has done to them' Moonlight thought sadly. "Where is Thunderrock?" Shadowstone asks them. "Thunderrock! Shadowstone is here!" A white steed shouts. And in a flash comes a golden palomino mare galloping up to them. She had gray dark blue tipped wings. That didn't seem to move at all. Thunderrock touches snouts with Shadowstone who backs away a bit embarrassed. "Oh my! What happened to her wings!?" Thunderrock emeditly asks as she spots Moonlight. "Some of the steeds broke them, Earthwing's orders" he answered. 'So that's what happened to them!' Moonlight thought angrily. "Can you give her something for pain?" Shadowstone asks "of course" Thunderrock trots off "where is she going?" Moonlight asks. "She's a medicine mare, she'll be back in a minute" Shadowstone replies. "Medicine mare?" Moonlight blinks at him. There was never a medicine mare in Sky Herd. Thunderrock comes back with a herb or two in her mouth. "Here eat these, they might be bitter but they'll help" she says lowering them to Moonlight. Moonlight eats the bitter strange herbs. Within a few minutes the pain in her shoulders and wings were numb. "Thank you!" Moonlight says in relief.

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