Chapter 10

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Moonlight and Golden were out grazing with Violet, but Moonlight still couldn't find the strength in her to eat. The images of the attack on Sky Herd flashed through her mind along with her father falling into the ocean. And her mother being slung into the giant tree. Moonlight nosed around in the grass when something cold lands on her snout. She picks up her head when more cold sprinkles lands on her back, she looks up to see white snowflakes falling from the sky. Golden nickers in delight "it's first snow mama!" Golden neighs prancing up to his mother. As they touch muzzles Moonlight suddenly felt even more alone, she trots off through Sky Meadow. When she attempts to graze with a group of pegasi the steeds gallop off away from here as if she carried some kind of disease. Their colorful feathers get carried off by the wind. Moonlight lowers her head tears began to fill her eyes when a grey dappled stallion approached her. He was tall and had a thick hide Moonlight looks up at him instantly recognizing him from the night she was saved by some of the warriors. Moonlight backed away from him a bit to get a good look at him "hello?" She says wondering what he wanted. "Hello there little filly" he says in a kind tone. "SNOWFLAKE!" Golden cries in excitement along with other foals. They all flock to him Golden stands next to Moonlight as well as Duststorm and Raincloud. Snowflake spreads his white wings that seem to shake a bit as if he was cold. "Now, now little ones I'd like to speak to the white foal alone" he says in a way that the foals understood. Most go back to their mothers except Moonlight's friends "come with me Moonlight" he says as he begins to trot off. "Can we come?" Golden asks "only if Moonlight sees fit, this only concerns her really" he answers. All of her friends look at her Moonlight nickers in delight "of course you guys can come." They all fallow Snowflake to the hugest tree in all of Sun Herd, Moonlight felt sick to her stomach when she realizes how high she was up in that tree. She notices a stone in the spot where Lovely laid lifeless. Moonlight trots up to the big flat stone in the ground. "I buried your mother after we found you" Snowflake says softly. A tear rolls down Moonlight's cheek and hits the gray stone. Within seconds a yellow flower pops up out of the ground it's roots cutting into the stone. "Thank you" she says. Duststorm walks to Moonlight's side and places a dusty blonde wing over her back. "I'm sorry for your loss" he says looking down at the flower. Moonlight knew that Duststorm also lost his mother when they were traveling from Desert Herd to get to Sun Herd. Moonlight turns to Snowflake "why did you do this?" Snowflake arches his neck he looked very old. "Why wouldn't I?" He counters. "Well ..... Isn't it disgracefully to bury an enemy in your lands?" "Yes, but isn't it better than dumping them into a lake that we need to drink from?" He counters again. Snowflake slowly turns from the foals "just because we are different beings doesn't make us have different hearts" he says in wisdom before disappearing into the forest.

Moonlight found it in her heart to start eating again thanks to her visits to her mother's grave that Snowflake had made for her. The yellow flower stayed there as healthy as a newborn foal it seemed. Despite of the cold and snow that began to stick to the ground. One day Moonlight was playing in the snow with Golden near Big Sky Lake when she notices Storm approaching them. Her flight feathers were beginning to grow back she glides over to Storm. "Hello Storm" she greets with a whinny. Storm looks down at her surprised, "hello?" He replies. Along with Storm was Raincloud's mother Bravebird he was a spitting image of her except her wings was a light pink color. And a red roan stallion with orange wings known as Firespin. He glares at Moonlight uneasy, he steps away from her Moonlight felt odd. "Why are you afraid of me?" She asks. Firespin snorts at her "I'm not scared of you!" He protests. "I'm just leery of you" he adds. Bravebird starts laughing at him "why?" She nickers Firespin stomps his hoof angered. "Because one of these moons she will have more power than Storm which I would mark as very dangerous!" He snorts. Storm rolls his eyes "so you doubt Storm's abilities?" She says not seeming too happy. Moonlight felt uncomfortable "Midnight was able to defeat the last white foal .... Who says Storm couldn't?" Bravebird questions. The thought of Moonlight being killed by Storm shot fear through her heart. She slowly slinks off from the conversation Storm fallows her curious. When they got some distance away from the others Storm stops her. "You should've expected to be treated differently in the Herd when you first came here" he says. Moonlight looks at the black stallion realizing that he was feared by all of the five Herd's not just his own at one time. Now he's only feared by two "why did Earthquake bring me to Anok?" She asks. Storm sighs "when I .... Received the Starfire from the Hundred Year Star I attack Sun Herd with the silver Starfire, as a result it frightened most of the other herds and they became desperate...." Storm pauses. "After I became Over-stallion of Sun Herd Earthquake said that he would find someone, someone that's even stronger than me ..... I didn't believe him at first the white foal was considered a myth until I saw you that very night ...." Storm lashes his tail as if angry. "So ...... Why did you take me in if I'm your .... Enemy?" Moonlight asks baffled. "Because I do not fear you like my Herd does, nor do I hate you Moonlight" Storm says softly. "So why hasn't Earthquake tried to take me back?" Storm looked away from her and off into the forest "maybe he's planning something like always ...." Moonlight lowers her head "Storm I hope we never have to fight" Moonlight says. Storm stares at her baffled.

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