Tales of Guardian Herd: The Lost Stallion

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(This is during Moonlight's story so enjoy!!)

Scarlet fallowed the forest trail tears fell from her eyes as she remembers her best friend Shadow. He was not human like she was nor was he a dog or cat but merely a plowing horse. Scarlet's father said that it was his time to pass Shadow was old and couldn't stay on his hooves anymore. Shadow was a fine black stallion in his younger days and always loved Scarlet's company. It was evening in Mavelyn Scarlet knew she should get back to her home soon but she wanted to see the sunset first. She moves through some wild bushes before her feet touch the sandy white beaches. Scarlet runs to the shoreline allowing the gentle waves to crash in around her ankles.  Her light brown hair flows through the ocean breeze. The sun was setting off in the distance painting the sky in a variety of pink, orange and yellow. When Scarlet had her fill she begins to walk away when something catches her green eyes. 'What's that?' She thought interested. Water seemed to be flowing over something that was laying in the water just a little ways out in the water. Scarlet slowly made her out to the strange object. But when Scarlet got closer she learns that it was not an object but a creature of some kind. It looked liked a horse but it had wings ..... And a horn on it's head. Scarlet bends down and tries to lift it's head out of the water, salt water bursts out of its nostrils as it seemed to be taking in the air. It's sides began to move slowly, it's eyes suddenly open it begins flailing it's wings. Scarlet jumps back away from the strange horse-like creature. It staggers to it's hooves and takes off into the air towards the beach. Silver feathers lay behind it's path, Scarlet catches one out of the air it was all wrinkled up like a dead leaf from being in the water. The horse-like creature stumbles on it's hooves as it lands on the beach it's wings were mangled up. Scarlet approached the creature cautiously it steps away from her frightened but it does not run away from her. This creature was much bigger than Shadow, Scarlet had no idea what to do. It was such a beautiful creature it's silver body shimmered in the setting sunlight. It perks it's ears at Scarlet as she walks slowly up to the creature. It snorts at her taking a few more skiddish steps back. "Easy, easy I'm not going to hurt you" Scarlet says calmly hoping the creature could understand her like Shadow did. The creature did not move until Scarlet got only so close then for some reason the creature bolted galloping down the beach. Scarlet noticed that it had a gash right above it's left eye. "What are you?" Scarlet asked herself.

The next day Scarlet awoke early and wondered out of her wooden hut. She lived in a small village with her father their lands were mostly used for farm work. She ran over to a hut that hardly anyone ever goes to. For the people say that the man that lives there is cursed. They say after he encountered a horse-like creature he lost everything. Scarlet approached the man's hut and stopped at the door. She knocked on it and waited for someone to open up the door. Long moments past and Scarlet knocked on the door again a little harder this time. The door slowly opened and behind it was an old man his eyes were dull his clothes were torn up. "What do you want?" He asks in a rude tone. Scarlet swallows hard "I-I've found something interesting. But I need someone's help or it might not live very long" Scarlet explains. The man looks at her funny "so you're coming to me for help? For what reason?" He hisses. "Well because you're the only one who knows what it is" Scarlet replies. After some time of thinking the man Kenai finally agreed to go with Scarlet to see what she was  talking about. Scarlet and Kenai travel out to the beach where at the moment there appeared to be nothing there. Scarlet held a red apple tightly in her right hand as she scanned the beach for the strange creature she saw yesterday. "Why did you drag me out here if there was nothing out here to begin with!?" The old man scalds. Scarlet lowers her head feeling hurt as Kenai goes to turn around a neigh catches their attention. Scarlet's heart lifted up "there it is!" She exclaims joyfully. She runs out onto the beach as the silver horse-like creature lands onto the beach. It stumbles a bit seeming weary, the creature perks it's ears at Scarlet as she stops in front of it it swishes it's silky silver tail. Scarlet held out the Apple to the creature, the creature sniffs the air it walks up to Scarlet's hand. Her heart beats faster Scarlet's hand shakes as the creature was about to take the apple. "No! Go on get!!" Kenai suddenly shout spooking the creature away from Scarlet it whinnies as it gallops away from them. "Why did you do that!?" Scarlet asks furious. Kenai turns his back on her "that thing! Is dangerous!" Kenai scalds walking away. "But it needs our help" Scarlet protests, Kenai said nothing he just walked away angry like always. He goes back to the village leaving Scarlet to herself. A strong gust of wing suddenly blows Scarlet's straw hat off of her head her hair gets tossed into her eyes. She moves her hair out of her eyes and goes running after her hat into the water. But she could only go so far without nearly drowning " my hat!" She cries tears forming in her eyes from being frustrated. As her hat gets tossed around by the wind the horse-like creature catches her straw hat gracefully. It canters around the ocean's surface as it heads back towards Scarlet. It lands gracefully in front of her Scarlet backs away from him slowly. It nods it's head up and down with her hat in its teeth as if saying "take it" Scarlet slowly takes her hat from the creature and begins to giggle. She offers the apple to it again and the creature happily takes it. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

(For those that haven't figured out who the unicorn is it's Whirlwind)

Seven moons have pasted since Whirlwind ended up in this strange place. He looks up at the White Star wondering if his filly was safe from the pegasi that attacked them. He longed to leave this place but he did not want to break his new friend's heart. Whirlwind cared for her very much Scarlet was kind and fun loving. Tonight she was curled up under his wing almost asleep. Scarlet often tried to get on Whirlwind's back but he'd always buck her off. "I am no horse!" He'd often whinny at her but the girl did not understand him like he understood her as far as language. Whirlwind nickers softly to the White Star. Longing to return home but he feared that there would be no one there if he was to return. "Do you miss your home, like I miss my mother Silver?" The girl asks rubbing his shoulder. Whirlwind glanced at her she crawls out from under his wing and stretches out her arms. Scarlet sits on a rock nearby and looks up at the White Star herself. It glowed everso brightly tonight "I do" Whirlwind grumbles knowing she doesn't understand his language. Scarlet talked about her mother often but it was very few and in-between.  Winter had come the air was chilly from it, as all was quiet between them the White Star suddenly blows even brighter and explodes in space. Scattering it's white stardust across the sky. Whirlwind rears up flaring his silver wings in front of Scarlet for protection. The explosion shifted the ocean and the lands a bit like an earthquake but there was no serious damage done to the lands. As the light fades from the sky everything got darker. "Silver? Are you alright?" Scarlet asks astonished at what just happened. "MOONLIGHT!" The stallion cries in an ear piercing neigh. Moonlight was in trouble Whirlwind could feel it that would be the only reason why the White Star just exploded. But just as he thought that a white streak of lightning strikes down somewhere far, far away from Mavelyn. "Wow, what was that?" Scarlet asks. Whirlwind swivels his ears in thought. He knew what he had to do he turns to Scarlet. Scarlet slides off the rock, she caught his eye Whirlwind spreads out his silver wings. "Are you leaving?" Scarlet asks curious. She holds her hand out to him Whirlwind places his snout gently in her hand. He closes his eyes hoping she will be okay without him around. He turns around to the ocean it's waves became more fierce from the sudden shift in the ground. Whirlwind kicks off into the night sky his course Anok.

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